Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Callie's FIRST letter from her mission president

Dear Sister Callie Firth,
I am thrilled and excited to learn that you have been called by God through His prophet to serve in this great mission. The reason I feel this way is because I know that each missionary whom the Lords sends to add to our efforts to invite His children here to come unto Christ has unique talents, abilities, and personality traits. You are being sent to this mission because He has a work for you to accomplish here that no other can do. I don’t know what specific work He has for you or which of His children you will save for Him but He knows, and as you rely upon the Holy Ghost to guide your choices and decisions you will know too.
This will be a busy time for you as you prepare for missionary service. Attached to this message is some information which will be helpful to you in your preparation to enter the mission field.
As well as the physical preparation you are doing it is important to be mentally and emotionally prepared for missionary service. Missionary service is demanding and to “embark in the service of God ...with all your heart might mind and strength” (see D&C 4) will require that you are able to deal with any worries or concerns you may encounter. Homesickness, living in a different culture, and keeping the missionary schedule are only some of the things that may cause concern so it is a good idea to talk to your family, bishop, or other respected leader who may be able to re-assure you and give suggestions or ideas which may help you be ready when you encounter any concerns. Remember however, that I and those who assist me in the mission leadership will be here to help you with any emotional or health issues which may arise during your service.
I hope that you are already becoming familiar with “Preach My Gospel”. This wonderful publication produced by the brethren is our instruction manual and the guide to all our work here. You should study it carefully and spend as much time as possible in becoming familiar with its contents. It will be especially beneficial to you if you can gain a good knowledge of the 5 standard lessons in chapter 3 before you arrive in the MTC.
You are called to serve for a period of 18 months so your plans for your education or career should have a start date after your release date – it is very disruptive to the mission planning if a missionary seeks early release and this is discouraged by the brethren. I would be very grateful if you would make your parents aware that I have brought this to your attention so that they do not enrol you in any programmes that would cause a problem in completing your assigned term in the mission field. Attempting to complete university applications while in the mission field can be very distracting to a missionary and this too should be avoided. While you are here you will be expected to focus 100% of the time on your work as a missionary.
Sister Brown and I both look forward to welcoming you to the Scotland/Ireland Mission and serving with you here. Now that we know you are coming we are praying for you and your family and know the Lord will bless your preparations as you look forward to this great adventure as an authorised servant of Jesus Christ.
Sincerely Your Brother,
Alan H. Brown
Alan H Brown
President, Scotland/Ireland Mission

Biography of President & Sister Brown
Alan H. and Sylvia D. Brown, six children, Kirkcaldy Ward, Dundee Scotland Stake. Brother Brown serves as an assistant area auditor, a ward mission leader, temple sealer, and temple ordinance worker. He is a former patriarch and bishop. Retired owner of Denholm & Brown, a financial advising firm. Born in Methil, Fife, Scotland, to Henry and Sally Rae Brown.Sister Brown serves as an assistant area auditor, temple ordinance worker, and public affairs specialist. She is a former Relief Society president, Young Women president, and ward magazine editor and producer. Born in Kirkcaldy, Fife, Scotland, to James Andrew Denholm and Frances Amy Roberts Leishman. President and Sister Brown will commence their missionary service in early July 2012.

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