Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Final Email from "Sister Firth"--Heyyyy family!!

Hi family!! well I am coming home TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!! sorry I didn't email you yesterday, I had zero time. But today will be a good day...it is going by so slow..haha sis douglas and I are shaking because we are so in shock that this is really happening. All the sisters are here at the mission home and it is sooo great. I got to see sis hales after 15 months of not seeing her and it was a great reunion! ah I love her! I already miss sis skagen. She is seriously my other half....we are twins and will be bffs forever!!!

Well I will see you all tomorrow at seven!!! wahoo! blowing my mind...I love you all a lot!!! I'll see you in about 30 hours!! muah! :)

Sister Firth...for one more day! :(




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