Monday, December 1, 2014


Heyyy family!!!
So how was Thanksgiving?? Man, I so wish I was there for Uncle Doug's mashed potatoes! Yumm!!! Hope you all ate lots for me! Also, THANK YOU for all of the birthday wishes from my family and my friends!! Means a thanks! Well there is LOTS to report so here it goes....

-Richard got the Aaronic Priesthood yesterday!!!!!!! Wahoo!!! Sis Skagen and I got to sit in on it and it was amazing! I am just so happy for him! :) 

-We finally taught Megan and oh my! It was probs the best lesson I've ever taught on my mission. The spirit was so strong. Her granny, mom, her, and her bff Rebecca who is the member, were all there. After we were done teaching the Restoration, we asked her mom and granny if they had any questions or concerns, comments, etc. and her mom told us that she'd be interested in learning about it as well! I almost fell over and died right there! haha It was just such a great lesson! So we're trying to go back this week...her mom works a lot and Megan has a youth night at the stake center the night her mom is home so we'll see how things play out! pray for the best! :) oh and we're hoping to set her with a date this week. Her mom said the earliest would be January...but hey, that's great as well!

-On Thanksgiving, we had exchanges with the STL's and I got to go with Sis Cannon. She is so cute. I got to know her and man, she is a great missionary! So nice and hard working. It was fun to be with her. We also had thanksgiving dinner at the Johnsons and Stuart was there as well! It was so fun and yummy!! 

-Yesterday, Stuart came to church!! Miracle right? haha he liked it a lot but told us he's still going to get baptized in May so that was a bit disappointing but we're still going to pray that he changes his mind to get baptized earlier! :)

-Oh and I almost forgot to tell you about my birthday! Big 2-1...flip I feel old! haha It was probs the best birthday I've ever had! My cute best friend and companion, Sis Skagen, put little notes around our flat of 21 Reasons as to why she loves me, made me a poster board that said "Happy 21 Birthday Callie", got me chocolate, and we played a few games with each other last night! We played this game called Flip Cup and I won! haha it was the funniest thing ever! I took a video so I'll show you when I get home but ya it was so fun! I just love her a lot!! Missionaries text me and called to say happy birthday as well so that was fun! And the Harkness's a fam in the ward who I love a lot, had us over for dinner for my bday and they made me a cake with 21 candles in it! So it was a great birthday! I loved it! :)

-So, today we went to Giants Causeway! It was raining so it was pretty much just sis skagen and I there but it was so fun! We met two American girls there. They are at Uni in London and are traveling around before they go home for the holidays to America. We told them we were missionaries for the Mormon Church. They were nice and asked lots of questions so that was fun to have a mini missionary moment at the Giants Causeway! haha

Okay so last but not least....the church came out with "He is the Gift". Its to help people around the world remember what Christmas is all about...Jesus Christ. So all the missionaries in the whole world are going to be doing this for the month of December so family, you NEED to help us missionaries out and log onto and share it with someone or online okay?! sweet thanks!! :)

Well I cant believe I only have a short time left....I don't want it to end. I love love love my mission. As I was in the car today driving home from the Giants Causeway, I was listening to some music about missionaries and it just made me so grateful for the chance to be here in Northern Ireland, talking to people about Jesus Christ and the Book of Mormon. I love that I am a missionary and I will miss it like none other. But the great thing is, is that its not over just yet so I'll update you next week on how I'm feeling...haha thanks for everything  family!! I love you!! have a great week and happy December! Dont worry, I'm already listening to x-mas music! love it! :) muah! xoxo

Sister Firth :)

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