Monday, November 24, 2014

IRELAND-Elder Leimer‏

Heyy family!!

So it finally snowed in Utah huh!? ah that is sooo great! man, I can't wait to see the snow but until then, I'm going to enjoy this rain! Mom, I got your package today!! THANK YOU!! and whit, I got your package as well! THANK YOU!! can you believe I'm going to be 21 in 6 days? Flip I'm getting old! haha anyways here's the update for the week! It was a busy busy week!

First off, I forgot to mention last week a scary/cool experience sis skagen and I had. So we were walking home from a dinner appointment a night last week and it was dark. We were stopping at the church real quick and as I was opening the lock on the gate, sis skagen turned to me and said, "uhh..." and I said, "What?" and she said, "just keep going." But her eyes were looking past me so I turned around to see and a man was walking towards us. I got the most awful feeling and just turned to sis skagen and said "nope. we're going home,." we got home safely. It made me grateful that Heavenly Father is watching out for us and that we are able to be aware and follow promptings from the spirit. 

Richard is doing great still! He is getting the priesthood this coming Sunday so we are so excited and happy for him! He is so excited. He was performing in the Cathedral last Friday and we were going to go but it was all sold out so we went and wished him luck anyways. He handed me a card and said it was for my birthday! He is such a great man! So nice of him to do that! 

We finally met with Stuart this past week. It was kind of a big appointment. We explained to him about how its not smart to procrastinate and that he really needs to do some searching about what to do. So, we'll see what he decides. We talked to Megan yesterday and we figured out that we had the wrong number for her so now we finally can set up an appointment and start teaching her! Other than that, no other investigators to report on! But, we're hoping to get some new ones this week! :) We did a pamphlet drop on Tuesday in Maghaberry and we're going back this Thursday to chap the village so we'll see if we have success! Lets pray!!

On Friday, we had Zone Interview Training. It was great as always! I had an interview with President Brown and it was good. He's so nice and is always wondering how we're doing as missionaries. I had to give my out-going testimony and sis skagen had to give her in-coming testimony. It was really sad...but Sis Skagen did a great job! After the training, we went home to eat dinner and then head out for the night. We were not in the mood because it was cold, raining, and dark so we prayed that we would have good attitudes and be upbeat. Well, we walked out of our flat, and onto the main road. Right as we got on the main road, this guy was walking towards us so we stopped him. We talked to him about prayer and God. His name is Robby. It was a really good conversation. We were able to leave him with a BOM and get his contact info. We have an appointment set up with him tonight so we'll see how it goes! :) We also met a lady named Julie that night in the park. She is so in need of the gospel. Her mom passed away 5 weeks ago. She was so nice to us but wasn't interested in church right now. We gave her our number anyways and told her to call us if she ever needed someone to talk to. I hope she calls!! 

On Saturday, it was sis skagens one month mark!!! To celebrate, we went to a yummy place to eat called Coopers. It was fun! :) Time is moving so fast! Yesterday was stake conference. It was amazing!!! Elder Leimer of the 3rd quorum of the Seventy was there. He is from Germany but sounds American because he lived in America for 17 years. It was cool to see him and hear him talk. Before the meeting, he had a meeting with the new members and Richard was able to go to that. Elder Leimer asked the new members if any of them would like to share their conversion story. Richard stood up and shared his. The Zone Leaders told us about it because they were in the meeting. It was cool to hear how Richard shared his story. I'm so proud of him!! He is such a great guy! 

Well family, Thanksgiving is this week and so I want to say that I'm THANKFUL for you all!! Thank you for all of your support! I'm so grateful to have a family like you! I love you! see you real soon!! :) muah! xoxo :)

Sister Firth :)

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