Monday, November 10, 2014

IRELAND-Sister Skagen! :)‏

Hey family!!

What is up! Wow this past week has been so long but so amazing!!! So my new beautiful companion is Sister Skagen! She is the cutest! She is 22, from Pennsylvania, went to BYU for 4 years, and is pretty much amazing let me tell you! She is so prepared and it feels like Im' not even training her! She's training me! haha I love her a lot already. 

So I went on Wednesday. I flew to the mission home to go pick her up! I had to say bye to sister Martin. How I miss her! She will do amazing in Montrose! She was so humble, happy, and hard working. I love her! So we got there and the trainees were already there. They flew in from Provo. So when I got there, they all came up to me and were like, "Sister Firth, we saw your uncle Paul!!" I was shocked haha they told me how they saw him in the airport. So that was fun. Then, me and another sister went and stayed with the Corstorphine sisters and guess who it was....Sister Crawley and her trainee!!!! It was a blast! We totally had major girl talk! ha I loved it!! Then, the next day, Thursday, we hiked Pratts Hill. Oh my, it was the funnest but hardest thing haha the weather was like Stornoway weather!! It was crazy!! But an adventure! So that was fun, and then we went back to the mission home, had some training from the AP's and President Brown, and then we got our trainees! I was the last sister to explain my area and such haha so I was a bit nervous, but, I got Sister Skagen as my trainee! It was so great! It's weird because I knew I was going to get her. I knew that with Sister Martin as well! Funny how the spirit works. Sis S and I spent the night in the mission home and then we took the ferry back on Friday. It was a loooong day but it was fun.

So not too much to update with the area. Richard is doing great as always! We didn't get to meet with anyone else because I was in Scotland the whole week but can I just tell you how amazing my comp is! Wow, she is so diligent and has this fire about her. She is keeping me from getting trunky and is keeping me going! Her and I are a lot alike. We get on great! I love her! So life is great in Lisburn! I hope all is well back in good ol utah! Man, I miss that place but I am so not ready to come home!! Good thing I still have like 5 weeks left! Well I love you all!!! Thanks for everything!! Miss you! xoxo muah! :)

Sister Firth :)
bye bye sister martin, us hiking pratts hill,(mom, I know you told me not to wear a hat but it was FREEZING!!!!!!!!!) and me and sis skagen on the ferry. It was windy, as you can tell haha!

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