Monday, November 17, 2014


Heyyy family!!

Well guess what I got this week... my travel itinerary (sp?) haha uh crazy right! Flip its getting more and more real each day that I'm actually going to be getting on a flight to UTAH! Time seriously needs to slow down! anyways, Ash, thank you for the quote countdown! I LOVED it!! Meg, thanks for the b-day package! I opened it early haha I've already worn both shirts. Wahoo!

This past week was gooood let me tell you! Sister Skagen has a great fire about her which keeps me going. I love it! So we went to the Belfast Castle last week for pday and it was so fun!! I'll attach a pic for ya! We said goodbye to the Forsyths a few weeks was sad! I miss them already but everyone has to keep moving on right? They were an amazing couple! So nice and helpful to us missionaries. They are missed here in N. Ireland. So here's the update with investigators...

Richard: He is getting the priesthood in two weeks!! I'm so excited and happy for him! :) He's doing great and everyone is fellowshipping him so its great!!

John: We actually dropped him this past week. We both felt it was the right thing to do. He just wasn't putting in as much effort into it as he should've been. We hope his desire to know if God is there will increase. 

Stuart: We're meeting with him this Thursday for sure!! He's doing good. 

Megan: She is getting baptized in January!!! wahoo! :) We talked with her on Sunday and are meeting with her and her mom this week so we'll see how it goes! she is such a cute girl.

So that's basically the update! We got to teach young womens on Sunday was so fun!! Man, I miss young womens! How'd I become so old so fast? haha Sister Skagen and I are doing loads of finding right now because we don't have too many investigators and with our luck, it didn't just rain last week... it POURED!!!!!!!!!! We were soaked from head to toe! It wouldn't have even made a difference if we just jumped in the river...that's how hard it was raining! But hey, our husbands will be that much more handsome and perfect! ;) So life is still great! Its a nice day today which is good! 

Yesterday for pday we went to the Christmas festival in Belfast city. OH MY is all I can say!!!! It was the coolest thing I have ever seen!! I wish you could've all been there. Whit probably would've spent all of her money there haha we're going back next pday because we didn't have any cash with us. So mom, don't be surprised if my account is empty next Monday!! haha jk...not really though. Oh and sister Skagen and I are going to get sweat trousers that are specially made and they're going to say SIM on the left leg and then #winner on the back...ya I guess you could say we're pretty cool. jk:)

Well, I better go! I love you all!!!!!! I miss you! See you real soon! Don't forget that the church is true, the Book is blue, and I love you! muah xoxo :)

Sister Firth :) 


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