Monday, November 3, 2014

IRELAND-Round two!‏

Hey family!!

So how is life back at home? I can't believe the Utes beat USC!!!! wahoo! when I read dad's letter, I was cheering them on as dad gave me the summary of the game haha Literally, I was yelling "yes! and wahoo! Go utes!" haha I'm so lame I know! Hope we can go to a bowl game!! That'd be legit! Anways here's the update....

So we got moves call....and guess're gonna be as shocked as I am.. ha I'm training AGAIN! So I'm gonna have another daughter. I am so excited! But so sad because I'll have to leave her after six weeks. So I'll find out on Thursday who I'm getting. When President Brown called last night and gave me my new assignment, I was like..."uh President, you know I only have six weeks left right?" he laughed and said "yes, but we need you." So I accepted. ha I am so excited and I feel so honored. We'll see how it goes! :) 

I will miss Sister Martin. It has been so fun to see her grow and change. I have loved serving these 12 weeks with her. She is so sweet and happy! We had some great times together! I will miss it but she will do great in Montrose with Sister Pugh! (who came out with me :))

Other great news...Richard got baptized on Saturday!!! wahoo!! :) It was amazing! It was such a great feeling to see him enter the waters of baptism. Sis M and I had to both give talks and once the baptism started, it was pouring! You could hear it on the windows at the top of the chapel but once Sister Martin started giving her talk, the rain slowly started to stop and by the end of her talk, it stopped completely. Goes to show you that Satan really is trying to stop this great work moving forward. Well he didn't succeed! Richard was so happy and I was so proud of him. He looked great! 

Megan, the girl who wants to get baptized, came to church but hasn't talked to her mom. I mentioned it to her yesterday and she said she'd talk to her mom this week and we also offered to talk to her mom as well so we'll see what happens there. Stuart is good. Haven't seen him in a few weeks. Hopefully we'll see him this week. Thomas, the guy who came to church, dropped us. So that was a bummer. So now, we are going to be finding new people to teach! Hopefully a woman haha 

Halloween was great right?!! We had a ward party and it was so fun! There were fireworks at the park behind the church. It was so fun to be at! I loved it! Oh and guess what... I met an RM who served in Portugal with Tanner Dastrup!! His name is Thomas Ryan. He came to the baptism. So that was fun to talk to him. He said Tanner was the perfect missionary. Small world huh! 

Well family, life is great here in Lisburn. I'm still sick...ha mom, wanna just hurry and fly over here to make me better? sweet thanks ;) I love you all family!! Thanks for everything! Time sure is running out...I have to admit that it has been hitting me hard this past week that I only have such a short time scares me. But, I'm excited to see you all! Love you! cheer on those Utes for me! :) wahoo!!!! xoxo 

Sister Firth :)

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