Monday, October 27, 2014

IRELAND-day 502!! :)

Heyy fam bam!

What up my lovelies! So how is everyone? I feel like I haven't talked to the girls (my sisters) in so long! Write me will ya? ha jk I know you are all busy with your kids! I hope you all are doing great! Soo this past week was GREAT!! Family, things are awesome here in Lisburn. I'm loving it! Update for ya...

So Richard is doing awesome as ever. We taught him at a members house (Johnsons) and Sis. Johnsons parents came who are in the ward as well. It was perfect! They are great with Richard and they all got on so well! He is right on track still and he is having his interview on Thursday and then his baptism on Saturday! Goodness I am so happy for him! wahoo!!! 

John is doing good still. We always have great conversations with him and he is still progressing. Slowly, but surely. We didn't get to see Stuart this week so hopefully we'll see him this coming week. We shall see! 

So I have big news for a member, Rebecca who is 14, has been bringing her friend, Megan, to church with her lately. We haven't really jumped on it yet because we didn't want to be too much. Well, Bishop Lowry came up to us yesterday and was like "hey, so Megan is wanting to get baptized so you need to teach her the lessons." Sister Martin and I were in shock! ha So we talked to her after sacrament and she told us that she  wants to. She is such a cute girl! She's 13 and is so sweet. So we might be teaching her this Thursday. We aren't sure how her mom feels about it yet so we'll have to see. Keep her and Richard in your prayers please! thanks :) AND, guess what else, we got a new investigator last Tuesday named Thomas. He is so cool. We taught him the restoration last week and invited him to church. Well, we didn't think he'd come because he was a bit hesitant on it all. So sis martin and I are sitting in sacrament and I had this feeling that I needed to look behind me. So I looked behind me to my left and guess who was sitting there on the end of the row.... THOMAS!! ha I about died! So sis martin and I went over and sat next to him. He didn't stay for the 2nd and 3rd hours but he said he'd come next week and we set up an appointment with him. So that was a miracle in its self. 

Also, a General Authority, Elder Herbertson, came to church yesterday. It was fun to have him there. He spoke and taught the priesthood and RS combined. He spoke at an All-of-Scotland conference once back in January I think and so it was fun to see him again. 

So family, life is great in Lisburn! :) I'm loving it lots!! Man, being on a  mission is great! Best thing ever! Thanks for supporting me! I'm glad to have you all! oh and guess what else...I'm sick.. AGAIN! ha I think my body is making up for not being sick the past 16 months. Looooove it. ha I love you!! miss you!! muah! xoxo :)

Sister Firth :)
pic of me at the PEACE WALL, and me and Kayla, a member, going to her formal. Isn't she beautiful!! I love her!

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