Monday, October 6, 2014

IRELAND-General Conference!‏

Heyyyy fam!! :)

Wasn't general conference just flipping AMAZING?!! wow!! I hope you liked it all! I sure did! oh and I'm a bad aunt and forgot to wish Brynlee a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! Can't believe she is 2! Tell her to stop growing til I get home! haha  and tell Lovegrove congrats on getting engaged!!!!!!! ah I am sooo happy for her!! :):)
Alright so update....lots and lots happened this past week! Here's the details!
-we went on splits with the STL's on Thursday to Friday. I got to go with Sister Henkel! Oh man she is so cute! She's from Germany and is an amazing missionary! I learned loads from her! It was fun to be with them for the few days. We saw many miracles this past week. Let me fill you in :)
-Tuesday: Sister Martin and I went to contact a referral we received last week during the day. We contacted them. They are the brother and sister of a member here. The two siblings, Chris and Sophie, ended up coming to dinner on Thursday at their brother's house and we were there as well. We taught about General Conference and committed them to watch a session. Sophie seemed more interested than Chris but we are praying real hard that General Conference touched their hearts. Also, that night, we had an hour to spare before it was time to go in for the night and we decided to go walk around the town. Well the first guy we stopped was named Richard. He is Roman Catholic but he said it doesn't mean anything to him. Long story short, we taught him about the BOM on the street and he accepted one and we set up an appointment to meet with him on Saturday.
-Wednesday: we had a dinner appointment with a member and she ended up inviting her friend Kelly and her daughter Morgan to it. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago how they came to church and how we wanted to teach them. Well guess what...we are teaching them this Thursday!!! :) Wahoo!! I'm so excited! She is awesome and loves how the church is so centered on families! We also taught the Brinzas english. It went pretty good. They are really nice!
-Thursday: us and the STL's decided to take this huge Restoration board we have in our flat and put it in the town center and go finding! It was a blast!! We forgot to take a pic so that was a bummer but it was so fun! And we got a couple of potentials out of it so that was great! Sis Henkel and i went to Moira that night to see Christopher. His mom told us to come back at the end of November because that's when his finals will be over with. So that's the update on him.
-Friday and Saturday: We weren't able to see John on Friday because there was an emergency in his family. But on Saturday, we taught Richard with a member! He talks a lot but we squeezed in a few words about our purpose as missionaries. We explained a bit more about the BOM. We had planned to teach the restoration but that wasn't gonna happen because he talks a lot haha but we managed to talk about baptism and we invited him to be baptized. Fam, he said YES!!! and, we invited him to General Conference and he came!!! It was so great! He is so prepared and is all for joining the church. Now, we just need to have him see WHY he's joining so he doesn't join for the wrong reasons haha 
-Sunday: Richard and Stuart both came to conference! They went to the priesthood session and Richard stayed for the 1-3 session. He loved it! So I hope and pray things work out! speaking of conference, oh my those men are amazing. I loved loved loved conference! I had prayed for what questions I could ask for General Conference and all of them were answered. My testimony definitely grew yesterday. Some quotes i liked from Conference were...
"Opposition sends seekers of truth to their knees."-Neil L. Andersen 
I loved his talk and especially this sentence. There have been so many times when opposition has gotten in the way of our work and prayer comes into play. 
"Decisions determine destiny."-President Thomas S. Monson
Enough said. 
Two talks that i really loved were Tad. R. Callister's and L. Tom Perry's about parenting and parents. I just have to say that i have the best parents in the whole world. I loved how L. Tom Perry talked about the roles of the mother and father.
Mom, you raised us daughters so well! You always have been interested in what we're up to and have always kept us safe from the dangers of the world. You truly nurtured us. You influenced me to always do good, never leave anyone out and to always be kind to others. You made our house a home! 
Dad, I immediately thought of you when he talked about how the father plans trips for the family. That is so you dad! I have loved growing up with family vacations. We have so many traditions because of you. I always loved chatting with you about life and reminiscing on life. You honor your priesthood. You were my example of a great missionary.

I love both of you so much! I'm so grateful to have parents like you! I hope to one day be as good of a mother and parent as you are! Thanks for everything! Thanks for being my prime gospel teachers.
Well family I love you all!! Thanks for all of your support!! Have a great week!! Miss you always! xoxo :)
Sister Firth :)
us walking along the road, sis henkel and i, and sis m and i going to general conference!

Callie sent us this picture telling us that it might be in the Ensign.  She told us that the missionaries had to sign some papers for its release.  That would be so cool if it actually happened!  This pic is a little blurry but she mentioned that several pics were taken.  Love all these Elders and Sisters!! .....Lisa

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