Monday, October 13, 2014

IRELAND-"This is what has been missing..."

Heyyy family!!

So, how's life?? Well this is going to be a fast email and a semi-short one because we are going to hike the Mourne Mountains in about 15 minutes so mom, I'm sorry but I cant chat with you today! We'll chat next week k? Love you!!

Here's the short version of what went down this week...we had Zone Development day on was a blast!! We had a pie eating contest, played sports, got in onesies, and had a testimony meeting! It was so fun! We have 3 progressing investigators....Stuart, John and Richard. They are all doing awesome!!! Richard has a baptism date for November 1st!!!!!! Wahoo! :) I am so proud and happy for him! he came to church yesterday and loved it! So he's right on track! Yesterday in Gospel Principles class, we were talking about God and the plan of salvation and Richard spoke up and said, "this is what has been missing in my life." He was talking about the plan of salvation and the pre-earth life. He said it all makes sense to him! So that was great to hear!! :) Keep him in your prayers please! thanks.

Well sorry to make this so short...I'll write more next week! We gotta go! I love you all!!! Miss you!! see you in 10 short weeks! Muah! xoxo :)

Sister Firth :) after the pie eating contest...I won. Haha just kidding I lost way bad. Us this morning. We're ready to hike! yay.


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