Friday, June 28, 2013

To the Mission Field!


President and Sister Brown with Sister Firth
Stirling, Scotland, 1898, David O. McKay: “I was homesick and a little discouraged on this day.  As we were coming back into town, I saw an unfinished dwelling, over the front door of which was a stone on which there was a carving. That was most unusual, so I said to Elder Johnston, ‘I’m going to see what that is.’ I was half way up the graveled walk when there came to my eyesight a striking motto as follows, carved in stone:  “ ‘Whate’er Thou Art, Act Well Thy Part.’  I said to myself, or the Spirit within me,  you are here as a representative of the Lord Jesus Christ. That afternoon, I accepted the message given to me on that stone, and from that moment we tried to do our part as missionaries in  Scotland”   
Edinburgh Scotland  
In 1840 Elder Orson Pratt, an LDS Apostle, climbed to the top of Arthur's Seat. There he dedicated the country of Scotland for the preaching of the gospel.  Today your missionary climbed the hill and dedicated themselves to the preaching of the gospel in this great land.
 ****On 26 June, 2013, we welcomed Sister Firth to the Scotland/Ireland Mission.  She arrived safely from the Missionary Training Center and we are excited to have her in our mission.  I interviewed her and felt her spirit and desire to serve our Heavenly Father. One of our very best missionaries, Sister Covey has been assigned to be her trainer.

Sister Brown and I will have the opportunity to meet with your daughter for a personal interview every two to three months.  In addition, we will see her periodically at Zone Conferences and other training meetings. Each week your missionary will be writing me a letter of her activities as well as a personal note.   She will also meet regularly with her district and zone leaders where she will be trained with other missionaries.  Therefore, with interviews, zone conferences and our weekly letters I should be able to help her meet any challenges she may have, and answer any questions you may have.

We are grateful for the part you have played in preparing her to serve in this important work. We would encourage you to write her weekly letters of encouragement. Letters from home provide a powerful sustaining effect on the confidence and morale of our missionaries.

If you at anytime have a concern about your missionary, please feel free to contact us here at the Mission Home in Edinburgh.  We testify of the truthfulness of this work and are grateful to be a part of it.
Alan H. Brown
Alan H. Brown, President
Scotland/Ireland Mission
51 Spylaw Road
Edinburgh Scotland
EH10 5BP

Phone:  +44 131 337 1283

--Missionary Finances

To the parents of all missionaries:
The Church-wide Financial Program of all single missionaries throughout the world works extremely well.  The basic principles of the program are as follows:
a. Monthly financial support in the amount of $400 U.S. (or its equivalent in other countries) is deposited each month in the ward/branch Missionary Fund.  These sacred funds are then transferred to the General Missionary Fund to cover missionary expenses throughout the world.

b. Mission Presidents draw money from the General Missionary Fund to cover the essential living expenses of all single missionaries including your missionary.

c. The General Missionary Fund does not include money for such items as clothing, eye and dental care, nor personal items such as cameras, souvenirs, etc.

It is the constant responsibility of the Mission President’s wife to see that missionaries eat properly with a well balanced diet.  Missionaries will never go hungry.  In addition to the monies provided, the members are very generous in having the missionaries for dinner appointments.  We assure you that most needs can be anticipated and planned for within the funds allowed each missionary.

Our responsibility is also to help missionaries’ budget their funds.  We find that missionary needs expand to consume all available funds.  The missionary experience is intended for the missionary to stretch their “funds” rather than stretching their “needs”.  If a missionary has more money than needed, it can create stress and tension within any companionship.

Please remember that your missionary will not have money to purchase gifts for Christmas, birthdays and other special occasions.  If gifts are to be sent home, money will have to be sent to the missionary.  Also, it is wise to note that if souvenirs are purchased, it may add weight to their baggage.  This over weight will have to be paid by the missionary not the mission.

We sincerely thank you for your support.  Your daily prayers and weekly letters to the missionary are of immeasurable value.  May the Lord continue to bless you as you support your missionary in the Scotland/Ireland Mission.

--Mail Guidelines for the Scotland/Ireland Mission

At the beginning of each move cycle, each missionary should advise family and friends of his/her current address where letters should be sent, and the Zone they are serving in. Letters and packages sent during the last two weeks of a move cycle may arrive after a missionary has been transferred out of the zone to which the mail/packages were sent and could take an additional four to six weeks to be delivered. 

Mail/Post:  Normally letters can be sent directly to the missionary’s flat within the first four weeks of a move cycle. Airmail letters arrive in 6 to 7 days.  Surface mail can take from 4 to 6 weeks.  Letters sent to the Mission Home will be forwarded to those in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Letters are held for those serving in the Republic of Ireland (Limerick and Dublin Zones), which means they may not receive the letter for up to six weeks after it arrives in Scotland. All letters and packages must have the missionary’s full first and last name. 

Packages/Parcels:  Packagess should not be sent to the missionary’s flat, as they would usually not be at the flat when the package is delivered. When the recipient is not at home, the packages are sent to a distribution centre which could be well outside of the missionary’s assigned area, and they would be unable to retrieve their package(s).  It normally takes about two weeks for packages to arrive from North America. We would encourage you to mail packages within the first two to three weeks of a six-week move cycle.

* Packages for missionaries assigned to Scotland should be sent to the Mission Office in Edinburgh.

* Packages for missionaries assigned to Ireland or Northern Ireland should be sent to the addresses listed below according to which Zone they are assigned. We have made arrangements with local members in Belfast, Dublin and Limerick to have missionaries’ packages mailed to their business establishments where someone is available during normal business hours to receive them. The packages will then be picked up by mission leaders and delivered to the missionary.
Mark all packages “PERSONAL BELONGINGS” or “GIFT”.  This marking will help avoid any taxes, customs charges and/or handling fees.

It is not wise to declare a value of more than $50.00 as your missionary will have to pay an additional customs duty. The current Value Added Tax is 20% of the declared value.  Therefore, if you declare the value to be $75, your missionary will have to pay $15 in taxes and an additional handling fee before they may receive the package.

It is generally much cheaper to provide your missionary with additional funds to purchase needed clothes and personal items than to send them via the post.

Packages sent to the Mission Office for missionaries that are serving in Ireland may not be delivered for an additional four to six weeks since those packages are only transported to Ireland by way of leaders traveling to the country.


* Use first and last names
* Letters must not be too large 
* Send letters and packages during first two to three weeks of a transfer
* Send to the correct address

Please do not hesitate to contact the Mission Office if you have any questions.  The phone is answered 24 hours a day, although we may sound very tired when you call after 3 p.m. Mountain Time in the USA, due to the seven hour time difference.

Scotland/Ireland Mission 51 Spylaw Road Edinburgh EH10 5BP
44 0 131 337 1283
44 0 131 313 1282 (fax)
From Outside UK 011-44-131-337-1283
Fax from outside UK 011-44-131-313-1282

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"Hello! Week 2"..........

Hey mom!!

So I'm emailing today because we have a busy day tomorrow and I cant email tomorrow! I only have 5 minutes to email. We have to wake up at 4:30 to leave by 6:15! It takes 4 hours to get to Scotland and then we are hiking Pratts Hill and then we get our companions and we go to our areas!! So I'm way excited! Plus, we get to wear normal clothes tomorrow since we're hiking!!

I forgot to ask you this, will you send me the letters I forgot from all of my guy friends and from Lyndsie please?? They are in my little skinny drawer in my dresser! Thanks!! just send them to my mission home in like a package or something!! Well I am doing great! I had a down/bad day about two days ago but I was just exhausted and missing you. I was soo missing sleeping in your bed with you! Haha but now I'm fine!! :) I'm so nervous but excited to get to the field!!

Well I better go! I love you!!! Hope to hear from you soon! I'll email again next Monday!! I love you!! :)

Callie :)

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

"Week 1"

"Hi mom!! oh my i love it here! The accents are soo cool!  I am so exhausted its not even funny! But i love the girls in my room! We laugh constantly! It makes it easier to not get homesick! I hope you're doing great because i am!!"

Well I'm done with my first week! It has been soo long but soo great! I have learned so much! My companions name is Sister Hughes! She's from Hertforshire, England! I love her! We get along so well! England is beautiful from what I've seen of it! The MTC is great! Being a missionary is exhausting but I've gotten used to the time schedule so I'm waking up better than I thought. We have taught 4 people. Bernie who is 16 is progressing a lot. We only got to teach Allanna once but it was the most spiritual experience I have ever had. The spirit was so strong. Sister Hughes and I got teary after the lesson because it was so amazing. I love being a missionary. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else even though it is exhausting physically, mentally and spiritually. I can't wait to get to Scotland to really start! love you all! thanks for all of your support!!
Sister Firth :)

Sunday, June 16, 2013


(Group picture: June 13th arrivals to the England MTC)
".......YEAH!!  She's alive and doing great!!  We have only received a three line email from her about arriving to England safely, but wanted to forward this group picture of her in the MTC.   Aaahhhhh, might have shed a few tears just now, but happy that she is happy!......"     Lisa                                                                                       

Thursday, June 13, 2013


And she made it........first to Chicago, then officially half way around the world to Preston, England!!!

Wednesday June 12, 2013
From cellphone 801-209-4310

I love you!  I miss you all already! Thanks for everything and all of your support! Couldn't have asked for a better family! Thank you!

Thursday June 13th, 2013


Hi!! I made it and am doing great! Our flight was delayed for 3 hours so we got to the MTC about an hour ago! hope Lake Powell is great! My p-days are on Wednesdays! I'll email you again on Wednesday! Love you!! :)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Farewell Sister Firth

Sister Callie Firth
Scotland/Ireland Mission
June 2013-December 2014

"I could never fully describe how neat it has been to watch Callie prepare to serve a mission.  I have been blown away, truly in awe of the magnitude of the decision to serve.  Even being the daughter of a return missionary and married to another return missionary, I don't think I truly understood what a courageous and humble decision it is to serve the Lord until I watched it directly in my own family.  And what an experience it has been!!  The night she opened her call still ranks in my top 5 coolest moments ever.  I cry every single time I watch the video and hear the eruption of cheers when she reads her assignment.

When Callie said she wanted to go on a mission, we didn't take her very seriously.  Even after the announcement of the age change, and she said again that she wanted to go, I didn't whole-heartedly believe her.  Shame on me.  Now, looking back, how grateful I am that she DID want to go, that she made that decision all on her own.  We have all been blessed to be able to watch her prepare to serve, to be involved in any way we could to help the process along.  Even the clothes shopping, luggage packing, and farewell prep has been fun to help with. (And wow, it's a lot of work!  Bless you missionaries and missionary parents.  I was tired watching my mom and Callie do all the prep work!)  She will be so blessed for her willingness to serve, and we will all be blessed because of her decision as well (somehow that feels backwards to me!)  Hopefully we can all be better people because of her while she's gone, and help send blessings her way and to those she is teaching.

I can't begin to tell Callie how proud I am of her.  For showing us all true willingness to work and learn.  She is joining the "Mighty Band of Youth", joining the ranks of other missionaries who have gone before her (in our immediate family, that would include my Dad, Devin, Roger, & Davis).  They all know exactly what she's about to do, they can relate to every spiritual, emotional, and physical experience she will go through in the next 18 months.  She is doing something truly wonderful.

The aiport drop-off was not near as bad as I thought it'd be (the emotional rollercoaster in the weeks leading up to goodbye was probably much worse), but my emotions have definitely gotten the best of me these last few days.  I ran into my Aunt Jodie at Costco the day after she left, not thinking I was having a teary moment at all, but broke down crying as soon as she asked about Callie.  I'm sure that will continue to happen for the next year and half, but at the same time we are so happy for her.  I will be anxiously waiting by the computer every Wednesday for her email to hear about every single adventure!!

Callie we miss you like crazy.  Best of luck to our favorite sister missionary.  Scotland/Ireland is so lucky to have you.  Here's hoping for a wonderful, successful, and fast 18 months!!!!  We love you!!"..........Megan


"My little sister is on a mission.  All the way over in the Scotland/Ireland mission.  I think I'm flabbergasted as to how time went this fast.  Wasn't she just turning 12 or something?  Now she's 19 - and beautiful, and mature, and left last Wednesday for the Preston England MTC.  I just can't believe it.  She's had her call for almost 6 months....I kind of let time get away from me.  And now it's here.

We have literally hundreds of pictures to document this day and the few days surrounding her leaving. Going through them was can imagine how hard it was to choose which ones to post.

She did a.w.e.s.o.m.e giving her farewell talk.  I started to cry before the opening hymn was over.  And everytime I looked at my mom she was teary as well, which didn't help the waterworks.

My parents put on quite the party for her.  Amazing food, a pretty yard, and such kind and supportive family and friends to celebrate with us rounded out a pretty awesome day.  My mom single handedly planned and prepared for this day.  And it was just perfect.  Months of stress, not to mention the small fortune my parents spent getting her ready to serve was eye opening to me.  I applaud all of you missionary parents.  This is quite the effort of labor and love!

The morning she left was exciting, happy, a bit tearful, and a total blast.  I thought it was a ball watching the whole process (minus having to turn around and go get her debit card that was left at the house.  oops.)!  My mom thought is was easier than expected, my dad thought it was harder.  My dad literally sat at the airport with his binoculars to watch her plane take off. 

Callie looked beautiful.  I usually avoid discussing subjects related to religion too much, but I have to say Callie glowed that morning.  She looked the part of a missionary.  I am so proud of her decision to serve the Lord.  This decision was not taken lightly and requires a good amount of sacrifice and hard work.  She will be so blessed for this decision!  I cannot wait to watch her succeed these next 18 months!  Good luck Callie!  We are so proud of you!  We think of you every single day!  We love you!!!".......
"Callie told us like 6 ish months ago that she was going to go on a mission.  We sort of all didn't know how to stomach it, she is our baby sister and the only one in our family to ever serve a mission.  Actually she is the only girl on my mom's side to ever serve and the second girl on my dad's side. To say that we are proud of her is an understatment. She is servind in the Scotland/Ireland mission, arrives June 13 in the England MTC (yep she totally skips provo), speaking English. Our family is going to miss Callie so bad.  She is the funniest most amazing sister and friend I could ever have. Love you Cal-terd!"......Whitney


Setting apart (officially Sister Firth!)

Bags packed and ready...........

The Airport Drop-off........


Talking to Sister Firth when she landed in the Chicago airport, waiting to fly to England!.........

(Please notice our licorice.  Comfort treats.)
And the countdown begins!...........

We love and miss you Callie!!