Tuesday, June 25, 2013

"Hello! Week 2"..........

Hey mom!!

So I'm emailing today because we have a busy day tomorrow and I cant email tomorrow! I only have 5 minutes to email. We have to wake up at 4:30 to leave by 6:15! It takes 4 hours to get to Scotland and then we are hiking Pratts Hill and then we get our companions and we go to our areas!! So I'm way excited! Plus, we get to wear normal clothes tomorrow since we're hiking!!

I forgot to ask you this, will you send me the letters I forgot from all of my guy friends and from Lyndsie please?? They are in my little skinny drawer in my dresser! Thanks!! just send them to my mission home in like a package or something!! Well I am doing great! I had a down/bad day about two days ago but I was just exhausted and missing you. I was soo missing sleeping in your bed with you! Haha but now I'm fine!! :) I'm so nervous but excited to get to the field!!

Well I better go! I love you!!! Hope to hear from you soon! I'll email again next Monday!! I love you!! :)

Callie :)

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