Monday, December 16, 2013

Merry Christmas Merry Christmas!!! :)‏

Hi Family and Friends...I just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and tell you "thank you" for all your love and support of Callie!  It means so much to Cort and I.  Callie knows of your love, interest and prayers on her behalf.  We as a family are so grateful for this incredible experience that Callie is having and for the opportunity she has to share the message about our Savior to the wonderful people of Scotland.  Merry Christmas, we love you all!  Lisa
Happy Holidays Fam Bam!!! :)
I hope you all are having a blast during this great time of year!! I know I am! Okay so first off....THANK YOU for the videos, pictures, and I forgot to say thank you to all of my family and friends for the paper x-mas tree and ornaments!! OH MY I love you all!!! I have THE best family and friends in the world!! I read and re-read them over and over again probably every day! haha They get me through the hard days so thank you so much!!!
So this week has been great!! So many brilliant things have happened...let me update you on investigators....
BELLA: We taught Bella last Thursday....we watched 17 Miracles with her and she fed us dinner...beef stew! Love her! She loved the movie! We all cried during the movie haha yes, even I got a wee bit teary can you believe it?!! haha but it was a good experience for her!
FIONA: We taught Fiona last Thursday for the first time in like two months! It was soo great! She had loads of great questions about the BOM and timing of things. We thankfully could answer all of her questions! ha And guess what...she mentioned that when she commits to things, she goes in 100%. And she said that she'd get baptized but she needs to know everything 100%. I was blown away at her comment and how well the lesson went. It was one of our best lessons with her so it was great!! Love this work!! :)
HUGH: He is a great man I tell you! We taught him last Tuesday. We taught him the 10 commandments, prayer, obedience, Law of Chastity, and scripture study. It went soo great!! He accepted and took it all in! This week, the senior couple are going to teach him the WOW (word of wisdom). So we'll see how it goes! He is doing so great and we love him! We planned his baptism with him when we taught him and we told him to choose 2 speakers at his baptism. He chose Sister Rousseau and I. We feel so honored to speak at his baptism. I cant wait!! :)
On Friday, we had our branch Christmas partay!! It was soo fun! Bella and Hugh both showed up! We had dinner and then put on a program of carols, Christmas stories (including Luke 2) and just socialized! It was soo fun and it worked out great! Sister Rousseau and I were a wee bit stressed because we had to plan the whole party but then it all worked out!
So funny story.....on Saturday morning at 7, we had to catch our ferry to go to Aberdeen for the Christmas concert that we are doing this week! Well, we didn't catch it. There were gales (strong winds) and sheets of rain and hail and so they canceled the ferry trip! So we ended up catching a flight after church yesterday!! So we got into Edinburgh around 4, ate dinner with the Hansons and then went to the mission home! There were about 30 missionaries at the mission home! All 15 of us sisters stayed upstairs! soo fun and loads of girl talk was needed! ha love it! Reminds me of my friends and sisters! So then this morning, we got up, studied for a bit and then Sister Powell and i headed to Aberdeen which is where I am right now! And I love it!! wow its like New York City and Washington D.C. combined! My kind of city! love love love it!! Oh and on the way here, we took the train and yes, we went by loads of golf courses. Oh dad, davis, dev, and rog, you will love it! Its right on the beach and there's one on some cliffs! saweet huh!!

Well, I'm excited to be in Aberdeen this week!! I'm doing great and loving it!! I'll be skyping next week and not emailing so I'll literally see you all next Wednesday!! wahoo!!!!! soo excited! love you all!! the church is true! :)
Sister Firth :)

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