Monday, December 9, 2013

Moves call!‏

Callie's always playing will see in the first line :)  little stink! :)  Lisa

Hello Firth fam bam!!
So we got moves call.....I'm going to Limerick, Ireland!!!!!! :):) okay actually I'm staying in Stornoway haha just had to do that :) Sis rousseau and I were freaking out last night but then our zone leaders called us and told us we were staying so we are soo happy about that!! whoop whoop! :)

Well this week was great in Stornoway! So we went to the mainland on Monday! Our ferry left at 7 in the morning and got to Ullapool around 9 45! Our district leader and his comp picked us up from Ullapool and drove us to Invergordon so we could spend pday with our district and the senior couple (the Hales). It was so fun! For pday we hiked to some WW2 bunker things. The view was beautiful!! So that was way fun! Then the Hales took all of us out to dinner! It was a lot of fun to see other missionaries and to be with our district.
So funny story....the night we got into Invergordon, we were going to stay at the Hales flat because they were driving us to Aberdeen the next morning for Zone Meeting. Well, they were moving house and so we couldnt stay with them so we ended up staying with the branch prez's mom! Well, we had to borrow the Invergordon Elders car so that we could meet at the Hales the next morning and they could drive us to zone meeting. The car was manual and Sister Rousseau doesnt know how to drive manual. So that was me, driving a MANUAL car, in Scotland, on the left side of the road for the very first time! It was a blast! I loved it! and yes, we filmed it! haha It wasnt too scary or weird! I got used to it pretty quick. So thats my funny story.
So the next morning, we woke up at 4 30 to get to the Hales by 5 45 am. We drove to Aberdeen which took 3 hours and we got there by 9 30. The meeting started at 10! We walked into the gym where the other missionaries were and guess who i saw....Sista Ashdown!!! Wow, i love her! Pretty much hugged her for about 10 minutes! It was so good to see her! She was in my last district so it was good to have her in my zone! The meeting was good! It was nice to finally meet our zone! haha The zone leaders talked about having humility instead of pride. They also talked about asking effective questions. I stuggle with that sometimes so it was good instruction for me! Then we did some role plays as usual and then talked about the role plays and what we learned. Elder Witt, my district leader, had to give his departing testimony since he's leaving this wednesday and since it was his last zone meeting. Then i had to give the closing prayer. Fam, you know it scares the heck out of me to pray in front of people...but i survived! haha Then we all ate lunch, Sister Ashdown and i had girl talk as usual :) and then it was time to leave! We said bye to everyone and then were off to catch our ferry! Elder Witt and Elder Hatch drove us back up to Ullapool so we could catch our ferry! We said bye and then we were off! I have to admit that i was sad to leave. I love being up in Stornoway but i was sad to leave the missionaries. It was so fun to be with all of them for two days!
So here's the update on investigators....
BELLA: We taught Bella last Friday and it was good! We taught her the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It went well but she's not ready for baptism yet so we'll see what happens in the future!
HUGH: We taught Hugh last wednesday night! It was brilliant!! We showed a conference talk by Holland about Christ in his final minutes of his life. Then we taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The spirit is always so strong in his house. He is a great man. So at the end of our lesson, we were planning on committing him to a date on December we asked him if he would and he laughed and said that he'd think about it and that he'd have an answer by the end of the night and that he'd let us know on sunday what his answer was.....well yesterday was sunday and right when he walks into church we said hi to him and then he says...."so i think i have an appointment for the 28th here at the church." HUGH IS GETTING BAPTIZED ON THE 28TH FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can you believe it!!! Ah i am so happy and excited for him and his choice to follow the example of our Saviour.
FIONA: She got in contact with us again!! WHoop whoop! We were going to teach her last thursday but she got way sick and so we are teaching her this Wednesday. She said that she has some questions about the BOM. So we'll see how it goes! :)
So the week before Christmas, about 30 missionaries who are musically talented (Sister Rousseau) are going to be going around to all 5 major cities in Scotland to perform Christmas songs and such. Well, since im sis rousseau's comp....i thought i got to go but i might not be able to so we'll see! i hope i do!! It would be a blast!!!
Well, i bought you all some x-mas presents today and so i'll send packages tomorrow! :) love it! okay well i have to go!! i love you all!! cant wait to see you in 2 and a half short weeks!!! miss you guys!! xoxoxo

Sister Firth :)

This is what Matt's family did for Callie!  So so cool!!  (Boys, Matt was Callie's zone leader who has been home now for 2 months :) )
Sister Firth!!

My family has a tradition that has been going on for years where we send money to missionaries all around the world whom we love. With this money we ask each missionary to help some one who needs support this Christmas. There are no rules on how you use the money. You can help a member, an investigator, another missionary, or even a stranger. All we ask is that you follow the spirit and help someone. Please send us a wee note letting us know how the money was used and what good came out of it. 

I gave your mom 200$ to put into your account. Go do some good my sister!! Thank you so much for your service, and have a merry Christmas!

-The James Family
462 North 800 West
Lindon, UT, 84042 

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