Monday, December 2, 2013

"If Jesus came to your house"‏

Hello to my wonderful family...
So first off, SEND ALL LETTERS TO THE MISSION HOME ADDRESS!! Moves call is this Sunday. I pray that Sister Rousseau and I don't get moved. I love this place and the people.
How are all of you? How was thanksgiving? Did uncle Doug do his brilliant mashed potatoes?? Mmmm I miss those!! ha Thank you for all the birthday wishes!!! :) I'm already 20??! Weird!! I don't like growing not a teenager anymore..sad but exciting!

Update on investigators...
BELLA: She is amazing! :) I just love her so much! Funny story actually...we were going to an appointment with a potential investigator, Collin, and we knocked on his door and we started talking with him. All of a sudden, his neighbors door opens up and its Bella and she says, "you guys are so funny" and then shuts the door. We were in shock. haha So Collin ended up not being interested so we said bye. We then knocked on the flat that Bella was in and she opens the door and invites us in. It was her uncles house. We were laughing so hard because we were all in shock. We talked for a while with her and her uncle. It was fun and she told us that she got the Standard Works on her Kindle!! I was so proud of her! She said she is loving it! She took Sister Rousseau and I out to lunch on Friday for our birthdays. She was going to take us out on Saturday since it was my birthday but she was going to Inverness. So nice of her! So Bella is brilliant and I love her! I picture her in white all the time! ha its lame but I love it!
HUGH: Well guess what fam......Hugh said that he'd be baptized!! Music to my ears! haha We didn't set him with a date because he said that he wants to learn more and then get baptized. He doesn't want to rush it and I totally agree. Guess what else...he FINALLY read the Book of Mormon! He did his homework ;) haha He is doing so great and is progressing so quickly. He doesn't think he's worthy yet to call himself a Christian but we know he is! He's been to church 4 weeks in a row, he's been praying and reading the Book of Mormon. Wow! He's the man!!
I have to admit that this is the first time on my mission that I've actually had normal, solid, progressing investigators who i have seen change their lives for the gospel. Its so fun and lovely to see. This is what makes being a missionary all worth it! :) I love these people. I just picture Bella and Hugh in white and they look amazing. I just hope I'm here to see it!!
So I got a letter from dad on Friday....well I can now say that I've cried for the first time since being in Stornoway. The story of Chandler, Parker's friend, is heart breaking, but so spiritual. My heart hurts for his family. People ask me all the time why sad/bad things happen to good people. Right now, I'm asking myself that same question. I know God has a plan for everyone but sometimes its hard for me to understand why things like that have to happen. I guess it just makes me so thankful for the plan of salvation and for eternal families. So right now, I'm more grateful than ever for my family. Even my extended family and my friends. I love you all! Don't know what I would do without you.

Life is precious. I've realized how short life is and how i need to make the most of it. Like everyone says, live life to the fullest. Last week, we ate dinner at a less actives house and she read us a poem. It is called, "If Jesus came to your house." It talks about what you would do and how you'd react. The message its containing is "would you be prepared? Would you be comfortable in his presence?" It just made me think about my life and if Christ came to my door....would I be happy to let him in or would I be embarrassed? Would you be happy to let him in your house? Life is short and we need to be ready to meet Christ.
I'm thankful that I get to be out on a mission serving the Lord and inviting people to come unto Christ. The Lord's work is amazing. I love you all! Thank you for all of your support and for being the best family I could ever have. I'll see you in 3 short weeks! Have a great week! <3
Love always,
Sister Firth :)

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