Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Happy Easter!!! :)

We were late hearing from Callie this week due to a holiday in Scotland.   Thanks for your love, support and prayers on Callie's behalf.  We love you all! 

Lisa :)

Hey family!!!
Well I hope you all had a great Easter! First off, I'm a bad aunt and forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Brooklyn last week so HAPPY LATE B-DAY BIG GIRL!!!!!!!!!! :) ha ash give her a big hug and kiss for me!! Ash, thanks for the package! those shoes are soo cute!! I've already worn them! and cute Ann Hoole sent me a package as well! So nice of her! tell her thanks for me!!
Well as for mission life in EK....it's still the same. We still don't have any investigators but we're still trying and working hard so I hope things start moving soon! This past week was great though! it was a fun week! Yesterday for Easter, my district went and played futbol on a turf field for 3 hours!! Umm...yes I am as sore as can be but it was a blast!! Definitely reminded me of high school and comp soccer!! So fun! :) Then, when we got home, we got a text from a member (the McNally's) and they were having a BBQ and they invited us and the elders! Oh my, it was so fun and I can't even remember the last time I had a BBQ so it was well fun! and yummy!! :)
This past week, we've been watching "The Lamb of God" with members and less actives. Wow, my testimony of the Savior has grown so much. I've gained so much respect and appreciation for Him in the past week. I am so grateful that He suffered for me and that I am able to use the atonement in my life everyday. I love Him and I am grateful for His example that I get to follow. He is truly a great man.
Well family, I love you all!! I hope you have a good week! I hope you all had fun in mesquite without me! ha oh and guess what...it has been sunny all week and I actually got some sun yesterday! whoop whoop! miss you! love you all!! xoxo :)
Sister Firth :)

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