Monday, April 14, 2014

Moves Call....

Hey family!!
Well we got moves call last night and Sister Watt and I are staying together!! We are so stoked!! whoop whoop! par-tay to the max! Hope you are all doing well! I'm pretty dang jealous you are all in Mesquite but soak up some sun for me will ya? K thanks!!
Well this week was good! We still have no investigators but we do have loads of potentials so we hope to get some investigators this week! On Monday, we went bowling with some missionaries in our zone! was the funnest p-day I've ever had let me tell you! Since all my friends and I would go bowling almost every weekend in high school, I did pretty good! haha k I'm totally kidding, I lost way bad but it was still so fun! And the music was saweet!!! Brings back old memories from high school! love it!
So some random and funny stuff that happened this past week was...
-I got pooped on by a bird...nasty!!! haha
-we go running every morning and yes, I die almost every time!
-Us and the EK elders went to KFC for "moves anticipation night" and had a pretty cool experience afterwards....
So after dinner at KFC, which was way fun by the way, sister watt and I had to sprint to catch our bus! Well we barely made it. On our way home, we saw a little dog that had gotten hit by a bus...yes, umm saddest moment of my life! We were so depressed. We were walking home after we got off the bus and this big group of ppl walked passed us. They were all dressed up. Then these two men started talking to us. One was drunk and walked ahead but the other kept talking to us. He asked us why we were in Scotland and what we did. Well, he ditched his friends and started talking about how he was interested in religion. We talked to him for about a half hour. It was so neat. We told him about the Plan of Salvation and about God. He kept saying how he felt like he needed to talk to us for some reason but didn't know why. We had a good chat with him but he didn't want to give us contact info so we gave him our card. We haven't heard from him since but he really liked what we talked about. Even if he doesn't call us, maybe he just needed to hear that there is life after this. All I know is that God lead us to him. Its crazy how much my testimony grows each day from experiences and miracles I see. Its lovely!
Well family, I love you all!! miss you all like cray cray!! I'll see you in 4 short weeks! oh and I finished the BOM for the second time today!! whoop whoop! xoxo :)
Sister Firth :)
p.s. pics of me getting pooped on, our district, us at KFC.

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