Monday, April 7, 2014

Back at square one!

Hey family!!!
Wow can you believe conference?? Best conference I've ever seen! LOVED IT!!!!!!! Definitely got my questions answered and learned a lot. I truly loved all of the talks. I don't think I have a favorite but I did love Elder Anderson's about the whirlwinds of life and Elder Hales' about how we need to be careful who we follow...! Ah I just loved all of them and President Monson's of course about loving our families and others around us. Just gotta say that I love my family a lot. I think you all already knew that though!
So this week has been, well, rough. Sister Watt and I are back at square one....we lost all 3 of our investigators this past week. Paul's parents found out he was going to get baptized and his mom called us and told us that we wont be meeting with him anymore. So we have zero investigators right now but we have a couple of potentials. Chapping and street contacting here we come!! Whoop whoop! Its what missionaries do best right? haha
So not too much to say about this past week other than I love being a missionary at this time. It is such a blessing. I have learned so much about myself, my Heavenly Father, and my Savior. Yes, it can be hard at times, but just like Elder Holland said..."I am convinced that missionary work is not easy because salvation is not a cheap experience. Salvation never was easy. How could we believe it would be easy for us when it was never, ever easy for Him?" It wasn't easy for the Savior. Just like Elder Bednar talked about yesterday how the Savior suffered EVERYTHING for us. Literally every pain, heartache, physical pain, emotional pain, homesickness moment, every disappointment, ect. I think I can give up 18 months of my life to serve Him even if it is hard at times. It will be worth it! So bottom line, even though its hard, I'm so grateful I'm out here serving my Heavenly Father. What better work could I be doing than this? I'm so grateful for my Savior, my Heavenly Father, the atonement, and most importantly, my family.
I love you all!! Thanks for all of your support and love. I pray for you all every night and day! Well, maybe not you Roger, haha just kidding!! I pray for you to! :) and whit, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!! how old are you now? 35? ha JK! hope you have a fun birthday! and Meg, Bennett just keeps getting cuter and cuter! Love and miss you all!!! :) xoxo
Sister Firth :)

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