Monday, March 31, 2014

Mother's Day in the UK!

Hey fam!!
How is everyone?! First off, Bennett is so stinking cute! I could pretty much eat him!! Secondly, Dad, there is a senior couple serving in my zone and the husband is Ron Browning. Funny story, so he came up to me at zone conference and was like, " do you by chance know a Tanya Firth?" and I said "YES! That's my aunt!" He then went on to tell me that he dated Aunt Tanya and that he coached Uncle Tim in baseball when he was about 14! And he said that Grandpa Rex was his one of his leader's in church or something!! Funny huh!! Small world! and I guess that Aunt Tanya "Dear Johned" him while he was on his mission. We laughed. Haha so ya random huh!!
It was Mothers Day in the UK yesterday so......MOM HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!!!!!!! (yesterday) haha Love you mama!! Oh and i got packages from mom, whit, and Tammi Minnick!! So fun! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i finally got my clothes from the mission home so that was like Christmas! ha
Anyways, life in EK is grand! Paul came to church! Whoop whoop!! He is right on track for his baptism! He is getting baptized on the 11th now! So we're excited for that! He is doing great! He knows so much and he participated in the combined lesson yesterday in church! So that was great!
Jack who is 10, is so smart! He asks so many questions and is such a cute little boy! We are teaching him this week with his mom and his dad! His dad isn't too keen on having him learn about the Mormon church so he wants to be in on the lessons. Lets hope HF softens his heart!
Matt is, well, very all over the place! Ha we taught him for the first time last week and oh boy, he asks so many questions! But it was alright. One thing I've learned out here is patience! ha so it was interesting teaching him!
That is pretty much what our week was! Zone interview training was great! Prez. Brown is awesome! He is so kind and always willing to help! Love him!
I've been thinking a lot about my mission this past week. It's taken me a long time to truly gain the desire to want to share the gospel to everyone. My goal has been to truly love my mission by the time I go home and to leave with no regrets. Well, I decided to make a deal with God. It won't be easy but I'm gonna do it! For the next 9 months, I'm going to strive to be as exactly obedient as I can, work hard every day, and do my best to share the gospel to EVERYONE! It says in PMG that if i do those 3 things, I will be a successful missionary. So I'm FINALLY ready to commit myself to it! Yes, its taken me a long time but I'm ready and I finally have the true desire. So lets do this!! :)
I love you all!! Thanks for everything family! Boy do I miss you guys!! Hope all is well back in good old UTAH! xoxo :)
Sister Firth :)
p.s. sis watt and I bought Beatles you should be jealous ;)

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