Monday, March 10, 2014

Rain, People, Lessons, City life!!!!!! :)

This is a picture of Sister Firth and her new companion Sister Watt, whom Callie knows from BYU!!  They lived on the same street in Provo!  Small world :)  I can't believe she is at the half way mark!!  Her mission is finally starting to go quickly!  Yes, I admit it, I have missed her like crazy :) ha :)  Callie is so so happy and loving her mission!  Thanks everyone for all your support and interest in Callie!  xoLisa

Hey family!!!
Well, im in East Kilbride and i love love love it! I miss Stornoway a lot but i like it here! can i just tell you that i love people! haha So this might be a short one because i just barely got here last week. So it rains more here than anywhere! I just let my hair go curly and wear no makeup because it runs down my face....ha k im just kidding mom, i know you're probably rolling your eyes....i wear makeup still! Dont worry! :)
So we have one progressing investigator. His name is Paul! He's 47, he has some form of autism but is great! He has a fear of telling his parents that he's learning from us so we're working on that with him at the moment. We have a couple of other investigators as well but i havent met them yet.
I am loving being in the city and with other missionaries!! I actaully know who is in my district now! haha Sister Ashdown is in my district!!! :) i love love love her! Sister Watt and i are pretty much the same person! ha I LOVE serving with her! She plays the guitar and sings....saweet!!! I love listening to her! So we are working great together! We always have girl talk....its great!! So it should be a great transfer!
Well fam i am doing great! I am loving it!! I hit my 9 month mark this week! crazy...time flies!!!!! I love you all! hope you're all doing great! meg, i cant wait to see the baby! ah precious! :) love you all! miss you! xoxoxo :)
Sister Firth :)

(FW: You have an awesome daughter! ‏

Dear Sister Firth,
I just wanted to tell you how much we love the young Sister Firth. It was a joy to serve with her in Stornoway. Everyone here misses her a lot. I love her giggle, her beautiful smile and her “blondness” but most of all I love her testimony and that she is a strong and valiant missionary. One of the members said this week, “I know we aren’t supposed to have favorites, but Sister Firth is my favorite missionary.” You have every reason to be very proud of her.
Sister Sharp

Oh Sister Sharp you just made my day!!  Actually this makes me a little teary, but so so grateful to hear your kind words. Sister Firth has a very deep and abiding love for the people of Stornoway and for the area.  She is going to miss the members, investigators and just all the great things about Stornoway.  It is a very special area for her to have served in.  She wrote home several weeks ago, expressing her love for Stornoway and the people because she feels that this is the area she truly gained her testimony!  Stornoway will forever be a special place to all of us Firths!  I can't wait to visit the people there and see this great island.  THANK YOU for watching over our daughter!  It was comforting to my husband and I just knowing that you were on the island with these sisters.  I know that if she needed anything she would have gone to you for help or advice.  She expressed how kind you and your husband were to her and Sister Rousseau.  Callie is a very fun girl!  We miss her like crazy and all the energy that she brings to our is a little dull without her here :)  When is your mission complete??  I would love to come to your homecoming and hear all the great adventures of your mission.  Have you been in Stornoway the entire time?  Thank you so much for the email!!  I will have to let Sister Firth know of your kind words.  Please let the members in Stornoway know of our great appreciation and love for helping, watching over and loving our daughter!! I can't wait to meet them in May, 2015!:)   Take care.
Lisa Firth
Hi, Lisa!
We entered the MTC just a couple weeks after your sweet Callie, on July 1st. We arrived at the Mission Home in Edinburgh on July 9th and arrived in Stornoway on July 11th, so we have served in Stornoway our whole mission to this point. We don’t know if we will be here for the next 9 months of our mission or if we will be transferred at some point.
We made one trip to Edinburgh in February for a Senior Missionary Conference. That is the only time we have been away from the islands since arriving.
It was special to watch Callie grow as a person and as a missionary here in Stornoway. We did watch her testimony grow so strong while she was here. She and I both miss our families so very much but we are determined to stay in the mission field and finish our missions, then go home and love being around family again. It was nice to share those feelings often with each other. We left our five children and their spouses and our 28 grandchildren.
Callie is a strong missionary and bears a strong testimony to everyone. She has smiled through getting doors slammed in her face and being told she has been brain washed and that she needs to do her homework and find the truth. You have raised a wonderful daughter.
I am sure your house is a little dull without Callie there. She is a fun girl. She lit up the branch with her giggles. We all miss that. It seems to me that the English and Scottish people don’t laugh as much as Americans do.  I think that is sad.
We are from Herriman so we aren’t too far away from you. We will let you know when our homecoming is. We would love to meet you!
I will pass your kind words onto the branch members.
Love, Sister Bonnie Rae Sharp)

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