Monday, March 17, 2014

Another week in Scotland!! :)

(Callie Firth wrote--I'm on! Anyone else?

Megan Bland wrote--I'm in labor! !! Having an Irish baby on St Patrick's day today in honor of my favorite Irish Scottish missionary!

Callie Firth wrote--MEG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my gosh hi! are you okay?? i cant believe your in labor! i got your letter! thanks!! ah an irish baby!! fun :) cute little Bennett! how are you?? is Dev with you?

Megan Bland wrote--Yes we're doing okay.  Very tired. ... its been a long night.  Lots of pain.  But we're so excited!  Baby is struggling just a little so say a prayer for him.  I know we're close!  Hopefully pushing goes fast! 
Callie Firth wrote--I prayed for you last night! well, i always do but i felt the need to say an extra one! ah let me know okay?? get some sleep!! talk to you next week hopefully! and dont forget to send me pics!!!! :) i love you meg!!! hang in there! he'll be fine!)

I  finished emailing with Callie about a 1/2 hr ago and she just missed the news of her sister, Megan, delivering her baby just moments ago!  As many of you know, Megan went into labor at 28 weeks.  They were able to stop her labor with meds.  Her doctor just took her off those meds on Friday afternoon and she went into labor Sunday morning (the little guy's due date is April 6th).  He weighs 6lb 15 oz. and he and Megan are doing great!  He is our little St. Patrick's Day baby!!!  That would have been cool to have Callie in Ireland on St. Patrick's day and her nephew born on the holiday!  Oh well, she is just miles from Ireland! :)  Happy Holiday!! Ah, so many blessings!!  Lisa :)

Hey fam bam!!
How are all of you? Meg, have you gone into labor yet?? Ah I can't WAIT to see the little dude!! Can you all believe I've been out over 9 months?? Crazy!! Thanks for the package mom! Loved it! :)
So things here in EK are great!! I am loving it! Sis Watt and I are pretty much twins! ha seriously though...we are so much alike its scary! We love it though! And, we have girl every night. It's awesome! makes me feel like I'm in moms room having girl talk with her! good times!  Oh and guess what I found out...Sis Watt and I both worked at REsponse MArketing!!!!! Small world huh! haha We were meant to be companions! :)'s the update!
PAUL: He has a baptism date!!!!!!!! for April 12th! Whoop whoop!! He still hasn't told his parents that he's learning from us yet so that's holding him back. He needs to come to church so we'll see what happens. He is soo knowledgeable though! wow, its great! He received a priesthood blessing last week from Elder Crosby for strength to tell his parents and to live the WOW. So lets pray he gets the courage to tell them.
CRAIG: Craig is great! he was so prepared. We taught him 3 times last week and invited him to be baptized and he said ya probably! So that was a blessing!  And guess what....he came to church!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He fell asleep in sacrament which was kinda funny but he liked it! and lets be honest, i used to sleep in church all the time! ha not anymore though! anyways, he's great! we are teaching him again tonight. In his lesson last week, the spirit was so strong and he kept saying that he could feel something. We explained what it was. Lets hope and pray he accepts a date soon!
GRAYS: The grays are a family who we have taught once. They are great! At first, Janet wasn't interested at all but then we brought up the POS and that got her. ha We had a great conversation and they accepted a BOM and we are going back tomorrow! So I hope they progress soon!
So those are our 3 investigators right now. We went and visited a LA last week (Barbara Graves). She has Alzheimer's or something and lives in a home just like the one that grandma was in. Oh my did it bring back memories!!! I loved it. I just pictured grandma in there and it made me sad but at peace. Barbara was so cute. She kept repeating her self but I loved it so much. I felt like I was talking to grandma again. Precious memories.
So this past week...I was studying about the Temple because we were teaching a lesson on it. And fam, I know this is soo missionary style but hey, I'm a missionary so why not. ha but I want to challenge all of you to make it a goal to attend the temple as much as you can. I just know that there are so many blessings that come out of attending. Some that we may not even recognize or some that may come to us a while from now. I just love the temple and why not go to the place where we can be the closest to God? :)
Well  fam, I am doing great!! I am loving it in EK! Its so fun and lovely! I hope your all doing great! Thanks for being the best fam eva!!!!!! :) love and miss you all! xoxoxo...
Sister Firth :)
 p.s. sis watt and I waiting for the bus!

(This except is from Caryn Jackson’s blog that she kept while in East Kilbride!!

Our new flat is really nice and the location is especially neat.  It's in the original part of East Kilbride so it's really in an old Scottish village with cobblestone streets, and lots of wee stores and pubs.  We live right above a bridal store which I thought was kind of funny for a few reasons haha.  We have a big kitchen and even have a washer/dryer (a washing machine that dries as well) so we feel really blessed.
This is Callie’s new apartment and area!!  Sounds so cool!!  I love it that it has cobblestone streets!  Can’t wait to see it.)

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