Monday, March 24, 2014

"More From Across the Pond..."‏

Hey family!!
Okay first things first, Meg, Bennett is sooooooo precious! And sooo cute! OH MY!!!!!! He is such a clone of Beau! Ah love him! And thanks for the package Meg! I'm wearing the earrings! :)
This week was great! So Paul came to church! So the plan is for him to get baptized on the 12th of April! Whoop whoop!! So excited for him!! He is such an example to me of courage. He was so scared and nervous to tell his parents that he wasn't going to stay over on Saturday so that he could come to church but he did it!! So he is doing great! He is our only progressing investigator now because we haven't gotten ahold of Craig all week. We hope he's not dropped us....we'll see!
We have a few potentials that we are working with. Three of them are kids, 12, 9, and 8. So we'll see if anything comes out of it! :)
Not too much going on with EK but we'll hopefully see lots of success soon! So I definitely gained a testimony of listening to the Spirit this week. First story is.....yesterday, we were trying by Craig to see if he was home. He lives in some flats and so we have to walk up 3 flights of stairs to get to his flat. Well, as we got closer to the top, I got the worst feeling but I didn't know if it was just me being dumb. Well, once we reached the top, Sis Watt turned to me and asked me if I had a good feeling and I said no, so we just left. I have no idea as to why we felt that way but I'm grateful we were able to listen and recognize it.
Second story is...last night we were chapping before we headed to our appointment. Well, literally everyone was slamming the door on us. We were getting pretty down and were about to just stop and go catch the bus but then we decided to knock one more door. I always hear stories of how missionaries knock that last door and that one person let them share about the gospel. Well, that happened to us! His name is Matthew. He was so nice and we told him all about who we were and he couldn't believe that two girls would come all the way from Utah and Colorado just to share a message. We are going back on Saturday! After we left, I had told Sis Watt that before we knocked on his door, I had a good feeling about it and she said that she felt the same thing. Its funny how the spirit can warn us but also give us strength to keep going.
I decided to study about diligence this morning. I gained a testimony of it. If we are diligent in missionary work and in life, we will have success and will be rewarded. I'm grateful that sis watt and i didn't give up because we would have never met Matthew.
Life in EK is going great! Sis Watt is great!!! I love being her companion so much! I love being a missionary. Its hard, but its worth it. I love you all!! miss you! xoxoxo :)
Sister Firth :)

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