Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Its May already?!!

(Skyping on mothers day! ‏

Hey mom and dad. So Im' emailing you to tell you that Im' going to be skyping around 6 45 UK time which is 11 45 your time! Hope that this is an okay time! Cant WAIT to see you all!!! love love love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! see you in 48 hours! :)
Callie :))
Hey fam bam!!!
How are all of you? Okay so pretty much I cant wait to see you all in 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!! whoop whoop!!
Well this week has been good! Here's an update....
The Craigie Family:  We were supposed to see them on Friday but they ended up going to her uncles house so we couldn't meet with them but we're hoping to meet with them this week!
The Winters Family: They are A-mazing!! Love them! We stopped them on the street a couple of weeks ago and tried by to see if we could meet them. Well, we got in! David and Suzanne are pro-futbolers!!! Sweet huh! They are in their early 30's, are getting married next year, and have a 5 month old named Oscar! Oh my so cute!! love them! We taught them the plan of salvation and it went so good! At the end of it, David talked about how he wished he could just have his mistakes wiped clean....well that was pretty much perfect...we brought up baptism. It was great! So we hope to meet with them next week...they have futbol games this week and cant meet with us.
Allison: We didn't get to meet with her this week either but we are next week. She is still reading and praying so lets hope all goes well next week.
Johnathan:  Sister Ricks and I went on exchanges last Friday-Saturday and we got to go teach Johnathan. It was alright. We taught him on his doorstep which is always awkward but it went fine. We are meeting with him next week as well. He is busy with work so we hope to get in his house next week.
Allistar: We are teaching him today! Sister Ricks and i taught him as well when we were on exchanges and it went good. We just introduced the BOM and are going to teach him the restoration today! Lets hope it goes well!
So as you can see, God has sure been blessing us this week. I have SUCH  a strong testimony that God is real. He is truly a loving Heavenly Father. I know I already knew that but these past two weeks, oh man, He sure has been there for me through it all. I have never felt His love so strong and deep. I'm so grateful for Him and that He has been watching out for me. As well as my Savior. I know they are there for us and that they want what's best for us. I'm grateful for them.
Well family, funny story.....so every day we do these WWWW's....Who, What, Where, When. We think about who we want to meet the next day, where, what to share with them, and what time. On my mission, I've found a few of them and guess what...I was looking through my planner last week and our WWWW for Sunday was a great man from America, and we were going to talk about missions, home, and families. Well guess who it was....Greg Warnock! Funny huh! ha just thought I'd add that in there! It was sooo great to see him! 
Well I love you all!!! I'm doing great!! The weather is warming up...I ran this morning with a t-shirt on and running shorts...love it!!!! Miss you all! Love you! Cant wait to see you in 5 days!!! yay!!!!! :):) xoxo
Sister Firth :)

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