Monday, May 19, 2014

Moves Call!!!! :)

Hey family!!!!
Well this is going to be a short one...I wanna give a big shout out to my MOM!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON THURSDAY!!!!!!!! wish I could be there to give you a big hug but I'll give you one across the sea! :) love you mom!!!
So we got moves call about an hour ago....I'm staying in EK and Sister Caswell is going to be my companion! Sister Watt is going to be an STL in Irvine! I'm really happy and proud of her! She'll be great!!! I'm excited to be with Sister Caswell! :) She's a cute girl and a great missionary! So it should be good!
Our investigators have been bailing on us like none other! Boy its frustrating but it'll all work out! Mharai is progressing though! She read some of the BOM and prayed about it and got an answer that it was true but then doubted so we'll see how it goes! She's doing great! other than that, nothing else to update!
Life in EK is grand! I have to admit that this is a hard area....but it's good for me. I've grown a lot since I've been here. Sister Watt and I worked well together and I learned a lot from her!
Well sorry it's short but we have a busy day today! I love you all!!!! Miss you all lots!!! Thanks for everything!!! xoxo
Sister Firth :)

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