Monday, May 26, 2014

Transfer #9!!‏

Hey family!!!
Well we're into another transfer!! whoop whoop! Wow time is moving way too fast! So first off, whit and ash, THANK YOU for the packages!!! I'll send you both a letter today so my thank yous are in there! Mom I hope you had a great birthday! How old are you now?? 21? ;) haha
Well this week has been great! I don't even know where to start!! I guess I'll start at the beginning of the week....Sister Watt left for Irvine. I miss her! But she is doing great in Irvine so Im' happy about that. I picked up Sister Caswell on Wednesday from the bus station. I. LOVE. HER. SO. MUCH!!!!!!!! Family I just gotta say that I have been so blessed on my mission! I have loved all of my companions and have learned so much from each one of them. I have already learned so much from Sister Caswell. I also have come to realize that my companions and I need each other. I have needed each one of my companions and they have helped me so much in different ways. I hope I have helped them as much as they have helped me.
So here is the info on Sister Caswell.... She is from Washington state, is the second oldest of 8 and her mom is prego, (fun fun) she has been out for a year, she is my age, and she is an amazing missionary!!!!! She is so creative, she loves running, and I just love being her comp! We have girl talk every night when we go to sleep! Its dandy! :)
So ya thats my lovely comp! So update on area....
GUESS WHO HAS A BAPTISM DATE?!!!!!! Mharhi!!!! yay!!! She is scheduled for the 28th of June! whoop whoop!!! :) and she came to church on Sunday! the work is moving forward people!! other than that, no other news on investigators! None of our investigators will meet with us.....bummer. But sister caswell and I cleaned out the area book BIG TIME and have so many potentials to try by which is way nice. But, cool on Sunday night, we were planning on going to see this g-ma named Fay. Well we were about to leave the flat and we always pray before we leave. Sister Caswell said the prayer and as she was praying, I got this feeling that we shouldn't go see Fay and that we needed to go see a less active named Seda. So I just trusted my gut feeling and went with it. We went there and she was home....and her boyfriend was over! Long story short, we taught him the last half of the POS!! and we are going back next Sunday to teach him more.
One thing I've learned on my misson is to follow your heart, even if you don't understand why you need to. I've learned so much this week from my companion and also about life. Life is short, precious, and important. We all have different trials and hardships, but I've learned that we all NEED that one person to make it all better.....Jesus Christ. I have definitely learned to lean on Him when I can't work anymore, when I am sad, homesick, or just needing a friend. I am also so grateful for my Heavenly Father. Another thing I learned this week is that He humbles us when we need it. I was being kind of a "debbie downer" a week ago. In my nightly prayers, I was complaining to God about how I was feeling and why I felt that way. Well, I definitely was humbled. He let me know that there are more people in this world who have bigger issues, problems, trials, and hardships than I do and I just need to suck it up, move on, and work hard so I can find those who are in need of the gospel. I learned that I'm not here for myself. I am here to help those who are needing the gospel.
Family, I love you all so much! To me, the greatest blessing of all is that I get to be with my family for eternity. I am so grateful for that. I have the best family in the world!!! Thanks for being so great, for giving me so much support, for loving me (even when Im' not the nicest), and for being there for me when I need you all! I miss you all every day but I'll see you all real soon!! hope you all have a great week!! xoxo :)
Sister Firth :)

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