Monday, August 11, 2014

IRELAND-changes, changes, changes!!!‏

Hi Family and Friends ~

For those of you that don't have missionaries, missionaries have their own "language" out in the mission field...hence, the part of Callie's letter "Yep I'm gonna be a mommy!"  meaning she is going to be a trainer and have a "child" haha oh my these kids! :)  Callie is doing great and feels safe in her area.  Thanks for all the prayers this past week.

Yo what up fam bam!!!!!
Well Im' not even going to wait I'm just gonna tell you because I'm soo flipping excited.......................
IM TRAINING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
yep I'm gonna be a mommy! haha I'm pretty excited but also way sad to leave Sister Crawley! We were only together for one transfer. I sure love her loads and we will forever be friends!! She is going to Corstorphine in Edinburgh with Sister Hobbs. She's really excited! So much has happened this past transfer, so much has changed and now we're changing again! ha I am soo happy, excited, nervous, scared, etc. to train a new sister but I know its all in the Lords hand so we'll see how it goes!! :) I have to admit I feel a bit inadequate to be training but it'll be fun! It's funny because sister C and I have been saying this past week how we've felt so unsettled and we couldn't figure out why....well, now we know! haha
So this past week was long but great! Lots of finding and lots of rain!!! We got the end of a hurricane I guess so it poured! It rained so hard that we had to go home and change ha we were soaked! memories! :) We got one new investigator named Bob. He's a former and he's cool.  He is married and has 9 kids! Man, that's a ton of kids. Haha saweet!!! We went by some less actives as well so that was good. We are working at the charity shop on Fridays so we're excited for that! 
Fam, this ward is soo amazing! They are so willing to come teach with us, give us referrals, ect. I'm loving it here! 
Well family I sure love you a lot! Sorry not a lot to report...we're still trying to build up the area! Hopefully there will be more to update next week!! I love you all!!! THANK YOU for all of your support!! Pray for me this week! haha miss you all! loves! xoxo :)
Sister Firth :)
P.S. Me with the cutest puppy ever!, the pouring rain, and us afterwards with hot chocolate because we were freezing! haha 

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