Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Callie has been emergency transferred for safety reasons.  They had been teaching an investigator, who we were informed is a registered sex offender, spent time in prison, etc. and apparently he had dangerous intentions towards Callie.  Callie's address and location cannot be made known at this time, other than she is still in Ireland and is loving it.  If you need her address, please email me directly.  Otherwise, anything can be sent to her mission home address.  She is doing great and is always Callie, happy!   Please keep her in your prayers for safety for her and her sweet companion. 

Heyyy family!!

Well, first off, OH MY HECK LOVE IS GETTING BAPTIZED?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! umm hello, best day of my life! Pretty much I cried when I read her email and you know I don't cry! Ah I am so happy for her. Mom, you better take loads of pics! Hope you all are great! 

So, big news....sister crawley and I got emergency moved to **** last week! Crazy right? Its a loooong story but ya I'm really liking *****. The ward is amazing! There are over 10 families in the ward. And I mean families, like mom, dad, and lots of kids! It's saweet!!! I'm loving it! 

We have 2 investigators. Chris is 17 and has a date for the 23rd of august but we're going to push it forward to august 30th just so he is ready. We are meeting him tomorrow for the first time so we're excited for that! And Ashley (a boy) is married and has two kids I believe. We're meeting him on Thursday. I am soo excited to meet them!

Cool story for the week...last night we were going to a formers house and we stopped this kid named Lee on the street. He is 17 and we are seeing him tonight so we are happy about that! 

Last p-day we went to Carrick Fergus Castle and oh my, it was a flipping blast!!!! Soo cool! It is right on the beach. So it was way fun! and yesterday we went to Giants Causeway and that was a blast as well.  I've never seen anything like it! I'll send pics next week...I forgot my camera cord. Ha sorry! 

So pretty much this past week has been hectic as ever but its been so fun! And its pouring rain as we speak. Sister Crawley and I are soaked and shivering as we email haha Oh the joys of mission life! This is what makes it so fun! :)

Well fam I love you! I am doing so great!! I'm seriously loving it out here! I can't believe its August already. Crazy how fast time is going! Hope you all have a great week!! Loves!!!! xoxo :)

Sister Firth :)
Hi there,
As you will know Sister Firth and Sister Crawley have had to move out of their flat. President Brown and our Stake President and his counsellors have all been working together to bring the issue to a satisfactory conclusion and I think we are finally there.
Last evening they were simply going to swap flats with the Holywood Elders which meant that they would have stayed in the same ward, but this morning that has changed, just as I thought it might.  So please, Lisa, disregard any new address I may have given you already.
The Sisters are moving to a new ward, Lisburn Ward, which is just about 6 miles from where I live so while it is not my ward I will still be in contact with them and be able to take them out on P Day if they wish.  As I said to Sister Crawley this morning when she called to tell me their news, they aren't dying - just moving. Bless them.  they seem to be keen to stay in touch with me and I will br there for them as long as they want me to be, and of course, I will still be here for you Moms.  As I said, I am only 6 miles away from them should you need something in a hurry.
Their new area is more rural than urban in that it is a town but on a green belt. There are so many fabulous people in Lisburn Ward.  Just to let you know the calibre of person that attends there we have Brother Raymond Lowry and his wife Irene.  Raymond has in his day been a missionary in Germany, our Stake President, an Area authority and until a few months ago he was President of the London Temple.  He and Irene are very longstanding and dear friends of mine. I served with Irene on the Stake YW Programme. The Stake Patriarch also lives in that ward.  The Lisburn Saints will look after your sweet daughters and I will continue too as well.
So, Lisa and Michelle, since I know the full reason behind this move - it is a health and safety issue - please be assured that this move to Lisburn is, in my considered opinion, the right thing for them.  It will keep them safe and healthy. I can understand completely that you may be concerned as to why such a move is taking place outside of transfer time but please do not be.  This move is fixing two situations: the one in which Sister Firth and Sister Crawley find themselves in; and the gap left by a set of Lisburn Elders having to be taken out of the area because one had to go home ill.  So the work will continue and everyone knows that Sisters always have greater success than the Elders.  Even the Elders will tell you that.  Perhaps one of the best things about this is that they will still be in the same District and will still have the same DL.  That will give them some sense of continuity and stability.
So that is you up to date with their news and it was they who asked me to pass it on to you along with their love for you.  I have no doubt they will tell you the whole tale on Monday.  However, they will have to use the public library for their emailing, and they may need to book time on the library computers so please do not worry if they are a day late for I will let you know if they will be.
Michelle, the arrangements for Sister Crawley's birthday package still stand regardless of where she is serving at the time.  I still have it safely stored and I will ensure she gets it in time for her birthday.
If I can further allay your concerns, Lisa and Michelle, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will do my very best to do so.  But in the meantime continue to watch this space for further updates.
Margaret. xxxxx
Just a note to let you know that 2 very tired young sister missionaries have been safely moved to their new flat in Lisburn Ward tonight. Friday night traditionally has been dinner night for us so tonight we had a special dinner at out local Chinese restaurant before returning the old flat keys to the DL and heading off to Lisburn.
I have to tell you I cried leaving them.  I just don't know how you do it as parents letting them go for 18 months.  I have only known both of them for a short time and tonight I blubbed like a child.  I suppose knowing that they will eventually return to you is what keeps you going.  I don't know if I could do it.
They hope to email on Monday as usual.
God bless.
Margaret xxx

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