Tuesday, August 26, 2014

IRELAND-A homesick missionary‏

Well how was the wedding? Im' sure it was great!! So sad I missed it but so happy for Cole and Ali! Tell them congrats for me! :) How are all of you? I'm pretty sure it's Dev and Roger's birthdays today so happy birthday smellies!!! ;) Love you two lots!! And to my dear old dad, it's your birthday tomorrow!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!! Soo wishing I could be there! Hope its a good one for you! 
Well not lots to report. This week was a loong and slow week. Lots of finding and street contacting and not too much success but it'll take some time I guess. Last monday, we had p-day and guess who was in town...Sister Cuff! And guess who got to see her? ME!!!!!! ah it was so great to see Kilee. She is so cute and I sure missed her! She looks great! and I saw her mom and dad as well. They are so nice! 
On Wednesday, we had zone interview training. It was great! We had interviews with Pres. Brown which was great as always. He is a great man! It was fun to have Sister Martin experience her first zone meeting. Yesterday, we had zone development day! It was so fun!! We played rugby, football, and american football in the rain!! We got soaked but oh my, it was a blast! I've come to love rugby! haha and guess what, I made 2 touchdowns in our american football game! yes, I actually caught the ball, can you believe it! haha so it was a blast! Definitely needed it after the long week we had! 
So I'm guessing that you are wondering why my subject line says a homesick missionary...well I found a good quote that was in my airplane package from when I left for my mission. 
"But I've come to see that being homesick isn't all bad. It's natural to miss the people you are closest to. It's normal to long to be where you feel secure, where those you love have your best interests at heart. It's understandable to want to return to the place where you learned how to walk and talk, where you felt loved even when friends turned away, and where you were accepted, regardless of the situation. There's no place on earth that can take the place of a home where love had been given and received." -unknown
This past week was a week where I missed my home and my family back in Sandy. Where I yearned for a hug from mom or dad, where I yearned for girl talk with my sisters or just a phone call from one of you just to say hi and to let me know that it'll all work out. But I also realized this morning that I'm supposed to be here even if it is hard. Scotland and Ireland has been my home for the past 14 months and I love it. When I go home to Sandy, i'll miss my home across the sea. My home in Sandy is where I did learn to walk and to talk, where I was accepted, where I felt loved. But my home here in Scotland and Ireland is where I have gained my testimony, where I have come to know my Father in Heaven and my Savior, where I have struggled and grown, where I have been loved by other missionaries and members. So even though I missed my home in Sandy this past week, I realized that I have a home here as well and im grateful for that. 
I love my mission. It is the hardest thing I have ever done but it is also the BEST thing I have ever done. I love the gospel, the Book of Mormon, my Savior, my companion who is a doll, and my family! Fam, I missed you lots this past week. But i know I'll see you all real soon! Hope you all have a great week! Dad, Rog, and Dev, eat lots of cake for me! Love you all! Thanks for everything! Couldn't ask for a better family! loves! xoxo
Sister Firth :)
p.s. zone development day, zone interview training

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