Monday, September 1, 2014

IRELAND-It's September!!‏

I can't believe that summer is over and this was our LAST Lake Powell trip WITHOUT Callie!!!!  Yay!!  She will be home on our next trip to Powell!!!!...even though it won't be until next summerEmoji......Lisa

Hey family!! :)
How's Powell? Man I'm jealous you are there AGAIN...without me haha It's alright though because this past week was great!! Much better than last week let me tell you!  
So I guess I'll give you the update...we have one progressing investigator! His name is Stuart. We taught him at a member's house last week. We taught the restoration. It was a bit rough haha I haven't taught a lesson in weeks, maybe months, and Sis Martin is a newbie so i guess you could say it wasn't our best lesson but it'll take practice right? The spirit was definitely there though so that was a plus! We are hopefully teaching him again this week! 
We also just barely got a new 15 minutes ago! haha His name is Andrew. We met him at the library and we just taught him about the Book of Mormon. He is cool and so we hope to teach him again this week! 
We met a LA this past week and she wants us to teach her all of the lessons again and read the BOM with her so that should be good! Her name is Shanon. She hasn't been to church in a couple of years but she wants to get back and hopefully go to the temple to do her mom and dad's temple work. Exciting! :) She's a sweet lady! 
This past week we decided to fast on Thursday to find new people to teach. Well, we did a lot of finding in some outer areas and it was great! We found so many new potentials so we're hoping that they are really interested and will meet with us. Things are happening here in Belfast and its great!! 
Oh and some other exciting the Newtonabbey elders are teaching this girl who is 16. Her boyfriend is a member and is actually in our ward but his family is on some kind of  assignment where they are in the Newtonabbey ward. Well, they are moving back here in October and she has a baptism date for November!! So we are hopefully going to have a baptism in November! We'll  see!! :) 
Today, we are going on a hike to a waterfall! It should be great! I'm excited!! well family, i hope you are all doing great! Can you believe its September already!! I love and miss you all!! Meg, be safe moving back to AZ! I'll be thinking of you! loves!! xoxo 
Love from Ireland,
Sister Firth :)
p.s. Us at the train stop, preparing to scrub mold off of our bathroom walls (nast, I know!!), and we made tacos!! It was great! 

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