Monday, September 22, 2014

IRELAND-sick week...

Hey fam bam!!
How are you all? Mom and dad that is so cool about the Utah game! Go utes!! whoop whoop! :) and ash, thanks for the necklace!! I've worn it every day haha i love it! and mom, thanks for the flash drive!! it was AWESOME!!

Well this past week was a slow one. I got sick on Monday and got worse each day. By Friday I had a fever, cold, cough, sore throat, etc.! So that was a bummer but we still went out for half the day so that was good. And, after sleeping for about 14 hours straight, I felt a lot better!  

Last Monday we went to St. Patrick's grave and to the Windy Gap. It was soo fun! I've never seen such beautiful scenery and such cool buildings! Wow I loved it!! So not too much to report. Christopher was busy all week. We spoke with his mom but wasn't able to get an appointment set up. Hopefully we'll be able to see him this week. Andrew is MIA...he wont call or text us back so he's pretty much dropped. And Stuart is good. We saw him on Saturday. Two kids in the ward were getting baptized and he came to it! So it was good that he was there and we're seeing him this Thursday! We'll see how it goes! 

Saturday was a fun day! We got to take out two recent convert girls from the Newtonabbey ward with us for the day! They are 16 and 14 and were such great missionaries. So that was fun to be with them! 

Today we went out to lunch with all the elders because elders hanson and carter are leaving to go to Scotland. I cant believe all of my friends go home this week. Man, I'll sure miss them all! 
Well fam, I sure love you all lots!!! Hope you're all doing great! Sorry this is so short. Miss you all!! Have a great week! xoxo :)

Sister Firth :)

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