Monday, September 8, 2014

IRELAND-100 days left!!!‏

Hey family!!
Hope you all had fun at powell and that meg got to AZ safely! Ash, I got the package you sent me! Oh my thank you!!! I loved it! it was great! :) And, tell Katie HAPPY BIRTHDAY this week on the 12th!! the big 2-1! whoop whoop!!
So, can you believe I only have 100 days left? Crazy right! This past week was great!
Monday: We hiked up to Belfast Castle and then up the mountain to this cave! It was so fun! It was a hike though! Man, I am sooo out of shape! I cant wait to go running when I get home! So ya the castle was way fun!
Tuesday: We had zone meeting on Tuesday! It was soo good fam! It was a really spiritual meeting and two of my favorite people Elder Windhausen and Sister Rousseau gave their out-going testimonies. Tears were flowin!! We all got in a circle and discussed about the purpose of life as a missionary and as a person. It was so good! Ah I loved it!
Wednesday: We ate lunch at this little old lady's house named Beula. Her daughter was there as well. Beaula's mom used to feed the missionaries back in the 1960's and when she saw us on the street, she invited us over for lunch. It was really fun and we were able to show her and her daughter Mormon messages. Her daughter is a widow and so we were able to talk about the after life with her. It was great!
Thursday: Thursday was so fun and exciting! The STL's came on exchanges with us! We all four went to a wedding that was in the ward. It was so cool to see and the bride looked so happy! And of course, you know me, I love weddings!! So it was great! I got to go on exchanges with Sister Valadez. She is such a cute girl. It was my first exchange with her and we got on so good! We are so much alike in the fact that we LOVE our families!! haha That's pretty much all we talked about. It was great! We got 2 potentials that night as well. So it was a good night with her!
Friday: The STL's left in the morning, and we taught our LA, Shanon, that afternoon. Before the lesson, we listened to Josh Groban's song, "To where you are" at her house. I'm pretty sure it was the song that was sung at Aunt Kathy's funeral. I'm not sure if Shanon or Sis. Martin could feel the spirit, but I definitely could. It made me teary because it just brought back memories. I felt as if Aunt Kathy was sitting right next to me. It was definitely a moment that I'll never forget.
Saturday: We had a lesson with one of our potential investigators on Saturday. We brought a member with us. Ask me if we taught anything? Nope!! haha The member taught the whole lesson and it was definitely a Bible bash so I guess you could say that it didn't go too well and that we dropped him. All sis martin and I did was testify at the end. We couldn't get one word in. It was kind of amusing! haha
So family, can I just say that I love you all! Sister Valadez and I talked about our families all night on Thursday and it was so fun! I know I've said this before but I truly have learned to love and appreciate my family so much on my mission! This week I've been feeling extra grateful for all of you. Not only my immediate family, but also my extended. I just love you all a lot and I'm so happy that I get to be with all of you forever!! Thanks for EVERYTHING you do for me! I'll see you in 100 days!!! I love you and miss you! xoxo
Sister Firth :)
p.s. we hiked to the top!, our sleepover, and my new scarf from Jeff Glen's fundraiser, ( thanks mom! :) )

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