Monday, July 28, 2014


HEYYY family!!!!
Well, I hope you all had fun in Bear Lake and that you didn't die at the Spudman!! Swimming sounds soo good right about now....too bad I'm a missionary! ha this past week we had such good weather! It was 80 degrees....ask me if I was sweating bullets??? Yep!! But then it poured on Saturday and yesterday so that was kinda adventurous as well! We like it when it pours when we're chapping because then that means our husbands will be even that much hotter! ;) haha 
So this past week was a good and bad week! I'll start off with the good news first....we got 4 new investigators!!! whoop whoop! :) Now for the bad news....2 of them backed out on learning. I'll share the story in a bit. 
DON: Don is a former investigator. He is from South Africa and is way cool. He makes shirts and he's going to make us each one! We taught him last week the restoration. It went pretty good. We're going back this Tuesday!
JAMES: James is 21, has a way dodgy background but has turned his life around, is religious and is interested!! We taught him about the BOM last week and he bore his testimony for us. He is awesome! We're hopefully meeting with I'm again this week...just not sure when. 
So, the 2 investigators that backed out were Trudie and her son Dillon. Remember last week when i shared the story about how we stopped that lady off the bus, well that was her. We taught her the restoration last week and it went so good! We got a return appointment for the next week and everything. Well, the next day, she called us and she said that her fiancé doesn't want her and the kids learning from us. Long story short, it was a huge bummer and she was even really sad. We're still going to visit her sometimes just to say hi. We are praying that either his heart is softened, or she breaks up with him! haha 
I forgot to tell you last week that i was talking to the STLs and sis valadez served in Stornoway. We were talking about Stornoway and everyone up there and she told me that Duncan, an investigator who I found and taught with sis rousseau, is taking the lessons again and he's wanting his mom to learn as well. He even gave her a Book of Mormon!! Crazy right? Ah it was soo exciting to hear! 
Today for p-day we're going to a castle for Elder Carter's birthday!!!! It will be my first time going to a castle!! I am soo excited!! whoop whoop!! :) 
Well family I love you all soooo much!! Life is good over here. I love my comp, she is a doll, I love my area, I love the people, I love the gospel and I just love missionary life! Even when it pours! haha have a good week!! loves! xoxo :)
Sister Firth :)
Sis Crawley, myself and the Newtonabbey Elders

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