Monday, July 7, 2014

IRELAND-the 90's are back!!‏

Hey fam bam!!
Well my first week in Ireland was bomb!!! It is like a whole other world over here! So first off, saying bye to EK was a bit hard and saying bye to my amazing friend Sister Caswell was rough. I miss her! I loved those people and that area but I definitely know that I am meant to be in Ireland at this time. So the trip over here was looooooong!!! haha We woke up at 5, took a train to Glasgow, walked to the bus station, got a bus from Glasgow to the ferry terminal which was 3 hours, took the ferry (which was like a flipping cruise was awesome!! so different from the one to storny! haha), then we took another bus to Belfast! and then got picked up by a member and went to our flat! So ya it was a looong day but a fun day!!
Sister Crawley is sooo cute! I love her lots! We get along so well and she is an AMAZING singer!! Wow! Like she needs to be Elfaba from the play Wicked she's that good! So i get to listen to her sing! Its great! :) The Holywood Road Ward is amazing! The members are soo on top of missionary work! I've never seen anything like it. It for sure makes our job a LOT easier! We have about 7 investigators but a lot of them are on holiday or aren't meeting with us BUT we got 2 new investigators this week and one of them came to church yesterday!!!!
Shane: Sister Crawley and Sister Brand met Shane about two weeks ago. We taught him for the first time on Friday night! We taught the restoration and he loved it. The spirit was so strong and he loves the idea of a living day prophet on the earth so that was nice. At the end of our lesson, Sis Crawley invited him to be baptized and he said YES!!!!!!! So that was a blessing. We are hopefully going to meet with him again this week.
Mark: The story with Mark is pretty cool. On Saturday night, Sis C and i were at the church doing stuff for ward council the next day and we walk out of the church building and Mark is outside the gates. So we talked with him as we walked home. He met with missionaries when his mom was getting taught and wants to turn his life around. He was in jail for 4 years for robbery and has been out for a year and a half. He has a son but doesn't see him too much. So we invited him to church and asked him if he'd like to take missionary lessons. He said yes. So he came to church! :) It was great because a member was able to pick him up and he sat with him. The ward welcomed him so well! It was great! We taught him the restoration last night and at the end, like Shane, I invited him to be baptized and he said yes as well!!!! So that was a major blessing.
So pretty much I'm LOVING it here!!! We live in the city! Oh my it reminds me of New city!!!!!! Ah I love it so much! Oh and the 90's are definitely coming back! Everyone's wearing scrunchies, leggings, belly shirts, big shirts, big hair (love it! :)), ruffle socks, the whole 9 yards! Its kind of funny to see! So just watch out fam, because the 90's will be back in good old America in about a year! whoop whoop! ha
Speaking of America.....HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!!!! on Friday! :) We had a BBQ at Margaret and Joy's! They are bffs and they are so nice! They take care of us! I love them!! :)
Well family, I love you all!!!! Thanks for everything!! I'll talk to you soon!! xoxo :):)
Sister Firth :)
p.s. a parade march for the week of the 12th,  sister caswell, and happy 4th!!! :)

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