Monday, June 30, 2014

Luck of the Irish!!!! ;)‏

WOW!! We are soo excited that Callie will get to experience the country of Ireland!  The work is really busy there at the moment so we are grateful for that as well!  This is all we heard from her this week.  Thanks for all your love and prayers on Callie's behalf.
xo Lisa :) 
Hey family!!!!!
Well, first off, Ash and Meg HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOMORROW!!!! :) Wish I could be there to celebrate with you!!! Alright family BIG NEWS....IM GOING TO BELFAST, IRELAND!!!!!!!!! My companion is going to be Sister Crawley! She is from Gilbert, Arizona and has been out for 6 months!! I am way excited!!! okay I'm sorry but I have like no time left...we had to do a survey so I'll update more next week!! I love you all!!! miss you!!! :):)
Sister Firth :)

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