Monday, June 23, 2014


With Callie's one year mark just past, we rec'd the cutest letter from her and I wanted to share an excerpt from it..."Just thinking about all that happened before I left on my farewell, Denny's, the cabin, my room flooding, writing "Thank You" cards, packing, saying bye to everyone, Asian Star, getting set apart, driving to the airport and forgetting my debit card and then finally walking through security with Uncle Paul on my way to the greatest, hardest, funnest, most spiritual journey I could ever imagine!  Its still surreal to me that I'm in Scotland!  I sometimes just have to stop and think "Wow, I'm in Scotland!" Amazing!  I sure do love it out here and love the people of Scotland!"  Callie is loving her mission and appreciates all your love, support and prayers. Thanks to all of you!  LOVE what these missions teach our kids!

  xo Lisa :)

Hey fam bam!!
So remember how last week I said to soak up some sun for me in Lake Powell? Well, you didn't even need to...I got my own sun this week!! Tan lines on my feet, back, neck, and arms!! It is AWESOME!!! Summer is finally here! But don't worry, it wont last long....that's Scotland for ya! haha it's only a heat wave! So how's everything back home? I'm glad Powell was fun!
This past week was finding, finding, finding as well as rejection, rejection, rejection! haha I'm serious though....we get the "hand" constantly! People put their hands in our faces even before we say Hi to them. I almost gave this guy a high five just to be funny because we had about 4 people give us the hand that day already. So we are still trying to find new investigators. We have ward conference this week so lets hope something changes so we can get things going! We are also going to go to outer areas to find so I'm excited for that.
Cool story for you all though....On Saturday, Sister Caswell and I went to do some try-by's and we saw this lady sitting on a bench in the park. Sister Caswell had a feeling to go talk to her and so we did. Well, she was in tears so we sat down on the bench next to her and just talked for a bit. She is from Kenya and moved to EK about 5 months ago. Naomi told us that she had just barely, not even 10 minutes before we got there, left her boyfriend because he was abusive to her. She just walked out. We talked about trials and how God will always be there for us and that we knew that He is there for her. After a while, we gave her a BOM and invited her to church. She was happy and smiling by the end. She didn't come to church and we haven't seen her since, but it felt so good to actually talk to someone nice and to teach. Sister Caswell and I definitely needed that this week and so it was a great way to end our week.
Well family, thanks for all that you do!! I love you all!! Miss you as well!! Pray that we find those elect who need the gospel in their lives! The church is true, the book is blue, and I LOVE YOU!!!!!! xoxo :):)
Sister Firth :)
p.s. Me getting eaten by the dino, sisters in my district after district meeting, and me with my scottish friend wearing a kilt! sweet. :)

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