Monday, June 9, 2014

Week 52!! Fathers Day!!

Oh hey fam! :)
How are things in Utah going? Well can you believe its week 52 already?? Wow time sure does fly. I have lots to talk about today so sorry if its jumbled! haha I'll do my best to be organized!!
First off, this past week has been BUSY!! Starting with last Monday... we had zone development day! It was a blast!! We went to Glasgow and had a BBQ and played lots of games. I forgot to take pictures so sorry! but hey, that means I had fun right? haha It went from 12-7:30 at night! So we had all day just to hang out with our zone. It was way fun! Then Tuesday we had until 3 for p-day to get shopping done, cleaning, emailing, etc.. Then we worked the rest of the night. Then Wednesday comes along and we had Zone Interview Training in Glasgow again! It was AWESOME!!!!! I got to see Sister Watt there!! It was a good reunion! :) My interview with President Brown was great. He is a great man! During Zone Interview Training, Elder Allen gave a 10 minute instruction on the difference between being a child of God, and being a child of Christ. Wow is all I can say! It was so good! He talked about how we are all children of God. Every person who has lived, who lives, and who will live is a child of God. But not every person is a child of Christ. In Mosiah 5:7 it says..."And now, because of the covenant which we have made ye shall be called the children of Christ, his sons, and his daughters; for behold, this day he hath spiritually begotten you; for ye say that your hearts are changed through faith on his name; therefore, ye are born of him and have become his sons and his daughters." So, we become children of Christ when we are baptized and if we keep our covenants. Pretty cool to think about huh! I loved it!! So Zone interview training was great!!! Felt the spirit a lot.
So update on investigators...well sadly, we've dropped all of them except for Talula and Mirrin, and Scott. Scott isn't progressing though but the girls are so that's good! Sister Caswell and I decided to drop Mharhi. We taught her last Friday and the spirit wasn't there at all. When we walked out of there, we both felt like it was time to drop her. So we prayed about it and came to the conclusion that its not worth it to us to teach her if she isn't going to progress towards baptism. Hopefully she will be interested in the future. So not too much to update. We will be doing lots and lots of finding this week! Finding fever here we come! ha love it!
So this week has a lot of important dates family! Today is one year since I gave my farewell talk! crazy!! I think about how I felt when I gave my talk...oh man I was nervous. It feels like it was yesterday! Also, on the 13th its my one year mark!!!!!!! One whole year fam!! Can you believe it??! Because I cant! It's gone fast and slow at the same time. 6 months to go! It will fly. :( June 15th is also Fathers Day!!! So I'd like to say HAPPY FATHERS DAY TO MY DAD!!!! I hope you get lots of presents! Just gotta say that I love you dad! and I miss you like none other!! Thanks for being the best dad in the world! I'm grateful for you and everything you've done for me! I love you!!!
I'd also like to say how thankful I am for my Heavenly Father. I'm grateful for the relationship I have gained with Him this past year. I never knew or realized how much He loved me until I came on a mission. I have received more blessings than I can count. He has helped me so much. It's amazing to me that He will still love me even when I fall short. I hope to repay Him one day for all that He has done for me. He sure is a loving Heavenly Father. I can testify of that!
Well family, I sure love you lots!! Thanks for everything! oh and mom, I got the flash drive! THANK YOU!! I loved it! Oh and tell Cole and Ali congrats on getting engaged!!!!! He's a bum for getting married without me there but I guess I can forgive him! ;) ha She sure is pretty!!  I hope you all have a great week! Love love love you! miss you all!!! xoxo :)
Sister Firth :) 
p.s. Sister watt and I, me at the sign because it say's Somer (summer) in it and it was HOT that day, and me with the pic of Cole and Ali! FUn fun!! :)

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