Monday, June 16, 2014

Continue looking...‏

Hey fam bam!!!
How's everything going over in good old Utah? Ash, thanks for the parcel!! Loved it! :) Dad, I got the trek cd! thanks! So weird to watch it...everyone is so young! And, dad Happy Fathers Day yesterday!! k I'm a bad daughter and still haven't sent your card to you! It's been sitting on my study desk for the past week...I'm sending it today! sorry!! Anyways I hope you're all doing just dandy!
Life in EK is going pretty good. We still have no investigators. The little girls didn't meet with us this week so that's us with no investigators. Haha we dropped Mharhi this past Friday. So we are back at square one! whoop whoop! love it! haha we are trying to plan some ward activities leading up to Pioneer Day so lets hope they work out! We are finding a lot! and I mean A LOT!! ha its tiring but its what's needed. We found a good potential on the bus yesterday and are going by on Thursday. He has 2 boys and a partner so lets hope something good comes out of it!
Other than that, no other news. Us and the elders are really struggling to find new investigators and the ward doesn't help. ha its kind of frustrating. All four of us missionaries fasted last Sunday to receive inspiration on what to do...well, none of us felt anything. Which isn't a very good sign. We all sat down and talked about it and we all feel that God isn't going to bless us with investigators if the ward doesn't step up and help. There's lots of drama but we came to the conclusion that if we just do our part, God will help us one way or an other.
For p-day last week, us and the elders went hiking! We went to find this castle and let me tell you, it was POURING rain and we walked in about 3 inches of mud the whole way...well, all we found was a castle site. haha it was a lot of fun though!! So that was nice! And we got mud all over us...classic. I also got to go on exchanges with Sister Jones. She is the cutest. Love her! It was fun! It poured and we got soaked but memories right? haha oh and guess what...we have to do an hour of Family History each week and you'll never guess what I did...I traced my lineage back to Adam!!!!!!! Awesome huh! I was flipping out! haha
This past week, I've prayed more on my mission than I ever have before. Whether it be on my knees, standing up, in my head or sitting on the bus, I've prayed non-stop. I've prayed for investigators, strength, courage, energy, help, answers, ect. Yesterday in church I was thinking about how I've prayed a lot this past week and how I don't always receive the answers I want or in the time I want. I remember when I was a little girl if I ever lost an earring or a shirt or whatever it was, I'd look for it and then say a prayer and then keep looking and eventually I'd find it. I realized that when I was little, I didn't just wait for God to tell me the answer, I continued looking and He led me to it. As missionaries we sometimes pray for direction or help but do we continue looking or do we just sit and wait? I've found this past week to keep going, keep looking, and God will guide us and place someone in our path. I've found that when times are hard, keep going, don't give up because there is ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel. I have a testimony that God truly does know me perfectly. He knows what I need, what I want, what I desire, and how I feel. He also knows my life from beginning to end. I know that He will help us missionaries find those who need to hear about the greatest message we could ever give. We just need to continue looking, don't give up, HAVE FAITH, and listen to the spirit.
I'm grateful I'm on a  mission. It has taught me more than I know. It's crazy to me that I've been out for a much has changed. I'm grateful I obeyed my Heavenly Father in choosing to serve a mission because this is the greatest journey ever! I love it...even when its pouring and exhausting. Ha Fam, thanks for everything. I love you all loads!! Miss you!! have a great week in Powell!! Soak up some sun for me will ya? Sweet thanks! love you!!! :):) xoxo
Sister Firth :)
pics of sister caswell and I on our hike...we look like hawt drowned rats haha don't judge. Sister Jones and I on exchanges and sis caswell and I with face masks!

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