Monday, July 14, 2014

IRELAND-12th of July....

Hey there family!!

Well, I hope you all had a blast at powell...again!! I am just a bit jealous! Well, this past week was sure eventful! I'll give you the update...

-On Monday, we went to the Titanic museum....OH MY!!! It was the coolest thing I've ever seen! We HAVE to go when we come back to Ireland! It was awesome!

-We had Zone Meeting on was great as always! Elder Windhausen who was my very first DL, is now my ZL so that is way fun to see him! We have All-of-Ireland this friday and I am soo excited!! 

-Our main investigator Xin, moved to Paris yesterday so that was a bummer but, we set up skype with her so we're going to teach her over skype! 

-Mark and Shane are MIA! Lame, Ii know! So no knew news on them...

-We got a new potential named May yesterday but she doesnt want to meet with us until August so we'll see how it goes in the future! 

-On the 11th, and 12th, we had to stay inside from 6p.m. onwards because there was a big rivalry or something to that effect many years ago and they have huge bonfires and riots so it wasnt safe for us to be outside. Let me tell you, I was bored staying inside...haha I hope I never have to again! 

So this past week was a way fun one!! Sis. C and I have so much fun together...always laughing and having girl talk! LOVE IT! Well fam, I love you all! I hope you have a great week at Bear Lake...could you stop going on trips without me please?! ha you all!!! :):) xoxo

Sister Firth :)
P.S. Elder Windhausen and I at zone meeting and titanic museum
my flat, cleaning the bathroom, and the city hall

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