Monday, July 21, 2014

IRELAND-Follow your Heart

Hey family!!!

How's Bear Lake?? I hope you all are having a blast! Soo wish i could be there with all of you but hey, this past week was way fun and so much went on so i guess it makes up for me missing Bear Lake! 

So, lots to tell....

First off, MOM, we have to go to this place called Boojums! It is exactly like Chipotles!!!!!! I've eaten there probably 5 times there now! Ah it is soo good so ya we have to go there when we come back!!

On Monday, for p-day, us and the Newtonabbey Elders went shopping and it was way fun! We went into Hollister and it took me right back to South Town Mall and Fashion was awesome! So it was a fun day! Then, that night, we went on exchanges with the STL's and guess who i exchanged with.....SISTER KELCIE DOUGLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my it was a blast!! I hadn't seen her in over a year so it was soo fun to catch up and do missionary work together! I got to go to Dublin with her and oh my, it was so cool to see Dublin. It is so pretty fam! Ah you are all going to love it here! Anyways, so ya exchanges was way fun! 

On Wednesday, it had been two weeks since sister C and i have been together so we made a fort for our "fortnight". A fortnight over here means a two week period. It was way fun and funny, at the moment, all of our lights in our flat don't work. We blew a fuse about a week and a half ago and no one has come to fix it. But, they're coming today hopefully. So we made a fort and we ended up sleeping in it because a HUGE moth was in out room and yes, we are little babies, we didn't want to sleep in our room. Haha so we slept in our fort!

We had our All-of-Ireland conference on Friday! it was soo fun! I got to see all of my friends and it was a great reunion!!  A member of the Quorum of the 70 (Elder Dyches) and his wife came to speak to us. It was a great conference and guess what.....i had to say the closing prayer! Oh my i was nervous as heck!! Praying infront of big groups of ppl scares me but it went fine! 

We still have no investigators so thats a bummer, BUT, two way cool stories to share so here it goes....

1. So, we are doing this BOM thing with members where we give them a BOM, have them write their testimony in it, and then pray about a random street for us to chap. So, we gave one to Nicole, a member and she chose a street right by the church. So, last Friday after All of Ireland, we chapped the street. Well, we get to the second door and this teenager answers. Long story short, she took the BOM, is 18, her name is Lauren and is interested! We set up an appointment for Sunday but she canceled so we're hoping to see her this week sometime! 

2. On saturday, we had a full day filled with appointments. Well, any missionary can agree with me that when you have a full day filled, Satan gets into it and all of your appointments cancel. Did that happen to us? Yes, Was it discouraging and sad? Yes. But, did a miracle happen? Yes, it sure did!! We we're on the bus heading home for the night. So we get on the bus and we pass this lady who had two kids and i was instantly drawn to her. A couple of stops after we got on, she was getting off. I have never felt the spirit speak to me so strongly than that night on the bus. It told me to "get off and go talk to her." I was hesitant at first because i didnt want to get off and then have her not be interested. So i sat there as she was standing up to get off. Well, the spirit spoke again and said "GET OFF THE BUS AND GO TALK TO HER RIGHT NOW." So this time, i didnt ignore it. I told Sis C to hurry and get off the bus because we needed to talk to her. We ended up walking with her and her kids all the way to her house, she let us come in, and we taught her the restoration and plan of salvation, got a return appointment for wednesday and she wants her son taught who is 9. Miracle to the max!! It was such a neat experience for me to have. Heavenly Father truly blesses us when we are patient and diligent. Her name is Trudie, she's from Uganda, she's catholic and is so nice! So we are hoping something great comes out of it. I'll update next week!! pray for her!!

So that night, my testimony grew even more. I learned to Follow your Heart at all times! I am grateful for a loving Heavenly Father. He truly helps us missionaries out when we need it. Im grateful to be a missionary at this time! Family i hope you are all safe and having fun!! I love you all!!! :):) thanks for everything!!! xoxo 

Sister Firth :)

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