Monday, August 19, 2013

"Great Week in Scotland"

Hello everyone!! :)

This week has been great! Its finally cooled down so that's great!!

Well for of our investigators Andy, who had a baptism date for this Sunday, dropped us last Wednesday.  It was really hard to handle. He knows its true and knows he needs help.  Its sad to see him not want the gospel anymore.  But on a happier note, Cheryl is for sure getting baptized this Sunday!! :)  We are soo excited for her!!  We have all of her invites and everything ready. Her mom, dad, and siblings are coming to it and her mom is baking her a cake!  So cute and exciting!!  We also are teaching this less active lady named Bernadette.  She is so cute! We are going over to her house for dinner tonight and watching the Restoration video so that should be great! 

We went to a talent show with Cheryl last week and it was hilarious.  Scottish people are way confident and funny.  It was great!  Cheryl was apart of it.  It was fun to watch her.  On Saturday, we went City Finding in Glasgow!  It was a blast!  We went with about 10 other missionaries! Soo fun and exciting!! 

Last week was a struggle for me I must admit.  We met this man named Temane on the street last Wednesday and boy did he pound us with questions that we couldn't answer.  My faith was shaken like none other!  I was really struggling with everything....prayer, the gospel, the scriptures, everything.  So on Friday, I decided to get a blessing from my district leader.  In it he said....
-Blesses me with strength to listen to God's counsel.  Be able to receive revelation.
-find and be the missionary God wants me to be.
-be calm.  Think of the blessings and great joy i feel when i see success.
-never forget how merciful the Lord is.
After I received the blessing, I felt very calm and at peace but I honestly didn't feel 100%.  So that night I said a prayer for help.  We were teaching Temane the next day and I was very nervous so I asked the Lord for help.  Help to stay calm, to teach by the spirit, to speak with power and conviction, and to not let my faith get shaken.  Wow the Lord really answered my prayers the next day when we taught Temane.  Everything I asked for, he helped me with.  The Lord really does answer our prayers.  It was an amazing experience.

Well guess what....exactly one year ago today, was my first day at the U!!  So crazy how fast time goes by!!  I'm loving being a missionary!  Its the best thing in the world!!  Thanks for all of your support!! :):)  Love you all!!!

Sister Firth! :)

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