Monday, August 12, 2013

"Two Months Out!"

Hello hello hello!!! :)
Wow two months already?? Time is flying by!! This week was good! Sister Covey and I have had many miracles happen this week!

Well to start off we sometimes have to ride the subway to get around to places and the workers at the subway call Sister Covey and I the "God Squad" haha! :)  Also, we went running for the first time at 6:30 in the morning and got lost! It was way fun! haha And...I tried HAGGIS for the first time and wow, it is sooo good....not! haha its way nasty!!  So that will be the last time I'll try it!  But the rest of the meal was great! Best one since I've been out! 

Well guess who came to church again....Cheryl!!! :) she's getting baptized this Sunday! So we are so very excited for her!  Also, Bruce who is a less active came to church as well!  It was amazing because he hadn't been in 11 years!  What a blessing!  So the McKenzie family is MIA.  They are moving and won't call us back so that has been hard for us to deal with.  Lets hope they come around sooner or later!

We met this girl named Sasha and gave her a Book of Mormon. We went and visited her last week and helped her take the wall paper off of her room.  It was really fun to talk with her.  We will be going back this week to teach her the restoration! 

So we had many miracles happen this week.  Every day we do a WWWW-who, what, where, and when.  So we decided the one night that we were going to meet a middle-aged lady with curly hair, tell her about America and the Book of Mormon, meet her around 1 p.m. and on Paisley Road West.  And guess what....We did!!!! :)  Her name is Kat.  We had to go to the bathroom so we stopped in this barber shop and she was working there so I started to talk to her while sis covey was in the bathroom and told her all about America and the Book of Mormon!!  It was soo cool to experience!!  Also, last night, we went by a less active's house and her and her daughter were there.  The daughter is named Lisa, has a 10 year old son and is 29.  She was interested in the Book of Mormon so we had a great lesson with her. The spirit was soo strong in her house.  After we said the closing prayer, I opened my eyes and Lisa's eyes were watery.  It was amazing to see the spirit she felt. 

Sister Covey and I have been studying about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ this week.  I found a scripture in D and C 110:3.  It talks about Jesus's appearance and wow my mind was blown.  It was amazing to read the words that Joseph Smith used to explain his appearance.  Great scripture!! 
Well I better get going!!  Thank you all for the support!!  I love you and miss you!!!  So thankful to be a part of this church!  Oh and I bought a onesie!!  Of course it had to be cheetah too! :)  Haha us Firth girls love our cheetah!!

Sister Firth :) 

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