Monday, August 5, 2013

Week 7

Hello fam (and friends!)
Wow I miss you guys this week!! So this week we taught Andy and it was amazing! We taught him about repentance and baptism....the spirit was so strong. He committed to be baptized but didn't come to church so we'll see if he does this week. Lets hope he does! We also had a movie night on Wednesday and this 12 year old girl named Cheryl came. She is the cutest little girl ever. She's so sweet and humble. She told us that she wants to be baptized so we set a date for her for August 18th! And she came to church!!!!!!! It was amazing! She loved it!! So we are very excited for her!! :) wow i love this work! We also met and taught this girl named Marah. She is a less active and actually contacted us and said she needed to come back to church. We went over to her house and got to know her. She is 19 and is so cute! She ended up coming to church so that was a blessing!

This week was transfers week! Me and sister covey are staying together! :) I'm sad I missed court's wedding but I'm sure it was great! I'm sure she looked beautiful! We had lessons yesterday in Young Womens about families and what strengthens them.....
-family prayer
-family home evening
Can I just say how much I love you guys!! I have gained such a big testimony of family since I've been out and how important they really are. So thanks for being such a great family!!
Well I better get going but I love you! Thanks for all of your support!!! Oh and we went to this buffet for lunch on Saturday....ya we all almost puked! haha love it! The church is true!!!!

Sister Firth :)

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