Monday, July 29, 2013

"Crazy Adventures Across the Sea"

Hello everyone!!!

Well this week has been quite the adventure! It has FINALLY rained!! I love love love the rain! 

We have 2 new investigators....Andy and Andrew. Andy is awesome!! He is very interested and has already read the first and second chapter of 1 Nephi!! Andrew committed to be baptized on our first visit but he has memory loss so we'll see how that situation goes...haha But he is very nice and wants help in his life. The Mckenzie family has been out of town so we haven't been able to teach them but they come home this week so lets hope they come to church! Waking up at 9 in the morning to come to church is hard for investigators. None of them came to church this week again so lets hope they do next week! 

We had the All of Scotland Conference this past Thursday! it was amazing!!! I saw soo many of my friends from the MTC and from before the mission! Also, Brother Texeira came and spoke to us and wow! He did an amazing job! I learned so much from him! It was awesome to hear from him.

So a crazy story from this week is I pretty much got violated...haha! Sister Covey and I taught this man named Hugh who is 65 years old with a member from our ward. After the lesson, we forgot the phone so we had to go back in and get it. Hugh was sitting on in a chair and his wife was on the arm rest. As Sister Healy (the member) and I were walking out, i said thanks for letting us get the phone and sorry that we left it. And he said "ya bad girl" and LITERALLY slapped my bum. I practically ran out of there. I was in shock. I was so surprised and in shock that he did that. Sister Covey and I were laughing so hard because that never happens. So there is my crazy story for the week!!! 

Well I still love being a missionary!! I'm so thankful for my family, friends, and this gospel!! thank you for all supporting me!! I love you all!! :):)

Sister Firth :)

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