Monday, July 15, 2013

"One Month Down!'

Hello everyone!! :)

Its so crazy I've already been out for a month!! It's gone by way fast to be honest! Well this week has had its ups and downs! 

Last monday Sister Covey and I got to play with Sister Cuff and Sister Fairbanks!!! We of course, talked about boys the whole time!! Wow I love them!!! We did some yard work for the McKenzie family this week! It was really fun and then they fed us dinner! So that was way nice!! 

Yesterday, I had to give a talk in church! It went pretty good since there are only about 30 people in my ward! haha! But the sad part of church was that the Mckenzie family didn't come to church. It was really hard for me to experience that. Sister Covey and I were really sad but then we saw Ryan, one of the kids, and we taught him the plan of Salvation on the street with chalk! It was really fun! 

Well I don't have a lot of time because we are going to the beach today but thank you for all of your support!!! Love you all!!!! The church is true!!!!!!

Sister Firth :)

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