Monday, July 22, 2013

"80 Degrees in Scotland??"

Well this past week has been a very hot week! It has been between 80-90 degrees! I thought it was supposed to be cold! haha!! But it's supposed to cool down this week so I'm excited for that! I am still loving it out here! 
On Monday, we went to the beach with my district and zone leaders! it was kind of cold but it was amazing! It was so pretty! there were islands everywhere! I loved it! On Tuesday, we had exchanges and I got to go to Irvine and work with Sister Jackson for 2 days! It was soo much fun! She is such a cute girl and I learned so much from her! 

On Thursday, Sister Covey and I met two new investigators....Stan and James. James seems very interested so we will continue to keep teaching him. Stan committed to be baptized on our first visit! So we are so excited and happy for him! Stan is the Man!!! :)

With our new finding ideas we can use, Sister Covey and I have been teaching lessons to little kids with chalk! It has been so much fun! 

So yesterday, we had committed 5 investigators to come to church but not one of them showed up. It was really hard to experience that but then I read a talk called "your wonderful journey home". Dieter F. Uchtdorf talks about how Heavenly Father sent us on this journey of life to get back to him, not to wander aimlessly on our own. He goes on to say how there will always be things to complain about, but we need to find the joy and happiness in our lives. Don't focus on the sad days or hard days. Focus on what makes us happy in life. That talk really lifted my spirits because what makes me happy in life are my friends, family, and this gospel. 

I love this gospel and I am so grateful to have the chance to share it with others. On my journey, I hope to grow into the daughter of God I would like to become. I am so thankful to be a member of this church. I don't know where I'd be with out it. 

I think we all need to find the happy things in life. Happiness is the destination, but its also the path. Be happy about life! Heavenly Fathers plan is called the Great Plan of Happiness for a reason! :) I love being a missionary and I love teaching what I know is true to the people of Scotland! I love my family and my friends and am so grateful for them! Thank you for all of your support! I love you all!! The church is true!!! :)
Sister Firth!

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