Monday, July 29, 2013

Sister to Sister---News from Home

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:05 AM, Megan Bland <> wrote:
Hey Callie!!  Are you there??  It's Megan!  I set my alarm to talk to you..........are you on a computer emailing mom yet?

Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 11:05:49 +0100
Subject: Re: Callie are you there??

           Yes!!! Hello! I got your letter this morning!! Ah your prego meg!!!!!!!!!!!
           Yay!!!!!!! :):):):) Congrats!!! When will you know if its a boy or girl?? 
On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:08 AM, Megan Bland <> wrote:
Oh yay!!  You got it!!  That's why I was up.......wanted to make sure you knew!!  Did you like that I sent it on a catamaran envelope and paper? :)  I won't find out what it is until like October or November.  Right around when Whit's baby is due.  I actually just mailed you another letter (with pictures) 2 days ago with all the details. :)  But I found out in San Diego!!!

Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 11:10:47 +0100

Subject: Re: Callie are you there??

            Oh yay!!! Yes I loved it!! Thank you!! I'm excited to get the letter!! How are you? I miss
            you and Devin and Beau! 

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:14 AM, Megan Bland <> wrote:
(P.S. are you emailing mom and Ashlee right now too?  I know ash was going to try to jump online at work tonight to say hi. )  We are good!  Dev isn't way busy with work this month, which is so nice.  He's home so early every day!  Beau is just as busy as cute!  he went to nursery again today, and did so much better!  I am so happy!  I am sick off and on (already!), but more just feeling the stretching pains in my tummy (already!).  Mom thinks it's twins.  I think I'm just fat. :) I start work in 2 weeks....we actually have to drive beau to Utah so mom can babysit for a week because I have to orientation all week.  We don't know anyone here we can pay to babysit, and it's almost the same cost to pay someone here anyway vs. driving him home and paying for gas.  How are you?

Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 11:32:47 +0100

Subject: Re: Callie are you there??

            I've been a little homesick, but I'll be fine!

On Mon, Jul 29, 2013 at 11:37 AM, Megan Bland <> wrote:
Okay good. Well I'll let you go.......I know you're emailing all of us at once :)...........but I just had to tell you the news and tell you I love you and miss you.  Oh and the baby is not a secret anymore.  I hope things look up for you!  They will, but ill say a prayer for you anyway.  And Beau says hi----he's awake and sitting with me because he peed the bed.

            K good!!! :) Love you too!! Miss you sooo much! Hi Beau!! :) Sleep great!!

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