Monday, July 8, 2013

"Wow what a week in Scotland!"

"The above picture of Callie is her emailing with me at 4:00 am this morning on her p-day.  I set my alarm every Monday morning at 3:30 am!  I am to old to be getting up that early! :)  The other picture is of the McKenzie family that she is teaching.

Thanks for all your love, support and interest in Callie!"..........

Hiya!! :)
It has been an amazing week! The weather has been so amazing. Its been sunny everyday the past 4 days. Sister Covey and I wish we were in Lake Powell or Cali sitting on the beach! So I guess I'll start off with what my days have been consisting consists of teaching/talking to people who have zero teeth, girls who have sideburns, people who are so high they can barley talk, and people who think we're nuns and prophets! Its always a new adventure everyday but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!! :) I absolutely love it here!
This week, we have been doing a lot of finding. We were confused last Friday as to where to go so we said a prayer and asked to have someone let us in their house. Then literally 30 sec after we prayed, this man walked past us so i decided to stop him. I taught him about prayer and he told us about his son named Kyle. He's 14 and has autism. He then invited us to come meet him! We taught Kyle about the Book of Mormon and he is coming to church next week! It was an amazing experience!
Another amazing story.....we are teaching this family of 6 right now. The McKenzies....the parents, 2 boys, and 2 girls. The 3 youngest kids live with them. We committed them to baptism last week and they came to church on Sunday for the very first time!!! :) It was amazing! Sister Covey and I were freaking out! Fergus, the dad, loved it! It was testimony meeting and he said he felt the spirit so strongly. Ah I love this gospel!
On Saturday, I was reading a talk by Ezra Taft Benson called "Beware of Pride". It was the best talk I've ever read! He talked about how "pride is the universal sin. The central feature of pride is enmity." He also said that "the antidote for pride is humility, meekness, submissiveness. Let us choose to be humble." Pride wont get us to the celestial kingdom, humility will. I loved this talk. It really taught me a lot about being humble and not to be prideful.
Well I am doing great and am loving it here!! I love this gospel and I love learning more about it! It's hard at times but its well worth it. I love you all!! thank you for all of your support!! :)
Sister Callie Firth :)

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