Monday, July 1, 2013

"Hi! Week 3......."

"Twinners!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! Wow you two are old! Haha ;) JK!! I miss you two!! I sent you a card so you'll get it soon! I hope all is well! I pray for you guys every morning and night!! I love you!!"
Love Sister Firth
Hello everyone!!
Well I am a full-time missionary now and man has it been crazy!! My first area is in Pollock, Glasgow which is in Scotland! It is so different than I thought it was going to be! It is very poor here and kinda ghetto but I honestly love it! The people are great!! I can hardly understand them so most of the time I'm just staring at them and smiling because I'm trying to figure out what they are saying but they are all so nice. My companions name is Sister Elisabeth Covey. She is from Alpine, Utah and is soo cute!! She is 19 and has been out for 3 months! So we're both new but she is so great! I am jealous of her because she already knows so much about the gospel and the scriptures! I have learned so much these past couple of weeks. I learned that the mission field is NOTHING like the MTC! Our plans change constantly and people cancel all the time. We are teaching this family of 4 and their two boys are soo cute! We're trying to get them to come to church so that they can be baptized but they haven't come yet so we're going to visit them today! Also we have 3 new appointments this week so I'm way excited for that.
So the first night I was in Glasgow, I got really homesick so before I went to bed, I prayed for help and to be comforted. So the next morning, Sister Covey and I are studying and we get a phone call and guess who it is....Sister Cuff and Sister Fairbanks!!!!!!!!! It was seriously an answer to my prayers! Hearing their voices made my whole day! We are hanging out with them next Monday so Im way excited for that!! Sister Covey and I love our study time because we love to find new things in the scriptures. I never thought I'd say this but I love reading and studying the scriptures! It is so amusing to me and fun to learn about the gospel.
Well I think that's all.....I love being a missionary! Its hard, but fun and exciting! I love this gospel and I love teaching it. I cant wait to have more great experiences!! Love you all!! thank you for all of your support!! :):)
Sister Firth!

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