Thursday, August 29, 2013

"Baptism? :):)"

"...........Callie's email...(late this week due to the library being closed until today :) )  Thanks for all of your support of Sister Firth!"........Lisa

HELLO FAMILY!!!! :) First off....HAPPY BIRTHDAY dad, rog, and dev!!!!!! :) Hope it was great! 
Well this week has been great!! Sister Covey and I had our first baptism this past Sunday! Cheryl did amazing!! Goodness I love that girl! Details to come, but first I want to tell you about my week....

So last p-day, my district went to a waterfall! It was a blast!! Of course, the elders went under it and got soaked, while us sisters stayed back and filmed the whole thing!  It was soo fun!! Then that night, we went over to Bernadette's house (less active lady) and watched the Restoration.  Wow chills to the max!  The spirit was so strong!  She said that she's been reading the BOM and wants to learn more!  So we invited her to church but she didn't end up showing up!  So we're going to go over to her house today and see what's up!  Then on Tuesday, we had Zone Conference and President Brown, Sister Brown, and the AP's were there!  It was way good!  President gave us some good advice.  It was fun to see all of the other missionaries! 

On Saturday, we went over to Lisa's house and taught her the restoration.  It was very spiritual and she said that she wants to know more.  She is so cute!  We love her!  Sister Covey and i have had a way good feeling about her ever since we met her so we'll see what happens!  We are teaching her again tomorrow and are inviting her to be baptized so lets hope it goes well! :)  So Saturday was really good with Lisa, but Sunday was probably the most stressful, tiring, exciting, and fun day ever!!! :)  CHERYL GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!! But let me just say that Satan did not want her to get baptized!  Oh man!  Let me just tell you the obstacles that were in our way on Sunday.....

-First off we went to her house in the morning to pick her up for church and no one answered the door.  So we went to church and she wasn't at the church, so then we went back to her house.  We were majorly stressing!  Her sister and boyfriend were home but wouldn't come answer the door (we could hear them inside arguing over who should answer the door).  So we just walked in :) haha!  They said that Cheryl was at the park with her nephew so we headed to the park.  Well she wasn't there so we called the Elders to see if she had gone to the church. Well she had.  She had been downstairs the whole time. 

-So church was great and sis. covey gave an amazing talk and then the baptism was supposed to start at 1:30.  So 1:15 rolls around and we go to check the font and its not filled all!  I guess the drain wasn't plugged up all the way.  So she got baptized in a foot of water! haha 

-By the time we got enough water in the font, it was about 1:45 and her family still wasn't there and they never showed up!  So she steps in the water and hurries and jumps out because its too hot!  So i ran and filled up buckets of cold water. Then she got in!  Almost baptized...haha 

-Then it came time for the baptism.....well she had to get baptized 3 times!!!!  We felt so bad for her but she was such a great sport! Haha

So the baptism was stressful but soo amazing!  After she came out, we went to meet her to help her change into her dress and she said that she felt like an angel.  Ah i love her! She is so cute! :)  So the baptism was great!  And she's doing great!  Then the next day was Monday which was p-day!!  Sister Covey and i decided that we wanted to have just a girls day!  So we went on a little date together to Largs, a beach!  It was such a blast!  Our district met up with us later in the day but it was so fun!  We saw these people with Viking hats on so we went and got one and wore the viking hats all day long!  It was soo fun! :) 

Well, I will email again on Monday to tell you about this week!  It's been great so be ready for another email on Monday!  I love you all!!  Thanks for everything!  Being a missionary is exhausting but amazing!!  Wouldn't trade it for anything!!  Love you!! :)

Sister Firth :)

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