Monday, September 2, 2013

"It's September!"

Hey family!!! :)
Well it's finally September!!  Okay I can't believe Cole comes home in 2 days!!!!!  Crazy!  I'm soo excited for him!  You totally have to send me pics!!  Tell him hi for me and that I love and miss him!  Tell him to write me if he wants! 

Well nothing big has happened since Thursday!  I went on exchanges with Sister Passey (new sister training leader) from Saturday til Sunday.  It was way fun!  I stayed in Pollok which meant that I had to lead.....umm I guess you could say I was stressing a little!  haha  But everything worked out great!  Only got lost once :) haha!  I learned loads from her!  She is such a great missionary and she really knows how to ask effective questions which was good for me to see!  We had loads of fun together! 

We also had Stake Conference yesterday and President Brown and Sister Brown were there!  It was a good meeting and it was good to see them! Sundays are always hard days for me because the wards in Scotland are so little and it makes me miss my ward back home!  Sundays are homesick days for me!  haha oh well :)
We have a busy schedule this week with lots of appointments so I'm excited for that!  We are going to invite Michael and Lisa to be baptized this week!  Lisa canceled on us last week but we're going to see her on Wednesday so that'll be great! 

Well sorry this is so short!  It'll be longer next week!  The weather has changed a lot!  Its way cold here now...bummer!  Lets hope I don't freeze!! haha well I love you all!!  Feel free to write me whenever you want :) haha  Letters are great!  I love them!  Thanks for all of your support! I love you all lots!!!!! :)  Being a missionary is hard but great!  Wouldn't trade it for anything! :) 

Sister Callie Firth :)
6 Dormanside Court, Pollock
Glasgow, Scotland
G53 5 YX
United Kingdom

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